// JScript File ///The Purpose When User In Popup windows it should be closed /// On Esc Key rest of the windows as MasterPage var objWinHelpOpen; function IgnoreMasterPage() { var flag = true; //alert(typeof (window.opener)); if (typeof (window.opener) != "undefined") { //alert("ModelLess"); //LogOut(); IsBrowserClose = "1"; flag = true; //alert("1"); var logincntrl = document.getElementById("ctl00_lnkLogout"); logincntrl.click(); } else { //alert("Model Window"); flag = true; } //alert(flag); return flag; } //This function is used to distinguish the refresh and unload events //Modified By : Srinivasa Rao Nalam //Date :Mar/29/2012 var browser = navigator.userAgent; function keyHit(event) { // get correct keycode depending on browser var keyStruck; if (browser.search(/msie|safari/i) != -1) keyStruck = window.event.keyCode; else keyStruck = event.keyCode; if (keyStruck == 112) { if (browser.search(/msie/i) == -1) { // disable browser standard help function for all but MSIE (see above for MSIE) event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } if ((document.title != 'EZ-NET™ Login') && (window.location.pathname.indexOf('EZEDI') < 0)) openHelpPage(); // call routine to replace standard help function } // You can add the capture of other keystrokes here } function document_onkeydown(event) { //var keyNum; //N.Vamsi Rajesh 04/07/2012 TD: 4316 EZ-NET/EDI User is not getting logout when close the browser through Task Manager //Handle the Alt+F4 and Ctrl+W to logout the user. try { if (event.ctrlKey) { if (event.keyCode == "87") {//when Ctrl+w if (window['IsBrowserClose'] != undefined) IsBrowserClose = "1"; } return; } if (event.altKey) {//when Alt + f4 if (event.keyCode == 115) { if (window['IsBrowserClose'] != undefined) IsBrowserClose = "1"; return; } } } catch (e) { } switch (event.keyCode) { case 112: // disable MSIE standard help function document.onhelp = new Function("return false;"); window.onhelp = new Function("return false;"); document.focus; if (browser.search(/msie|safari/i) != -1) document.onkeydown = keyHit; if ((document.title != 'EZ-NET™ Login') && (window.location.pathname.indexOf('EZEDI') < 0)) openHelpPage(); return false; // call routine to replace standard help function case 116: if ((this.parent != null) && (this.parent.m_refreshflag != "undefined")) this.parent.m_refreshflag = 1; return; //Added By Naresh as on 04 July 2009 for Esc to Close the child window case 27: //Esc Session will be expired var dLookupNumber = getUrlVars()["isWDW"]; if (dLookupNumber != null) { EscapeCloseDialog(dLookupNumber); return false; } else if (this.parent != null) { var logincntrl = document.getElementById("lnkLogout"); if (!logincntrl) { this.close(); } } VerifyingEscIfChaildWindowIfNotFocused(); case 13: try { //Added By Naresh for Default Event fired when press Enter Key. //grid name conditions used for checking lookup search and Event handler of grid (TD #:3094). var target = event.target || event.srcElement; var defaultButtonNeedToFire = true; //2014/12/18 for Fixing QAC 4402 modified below code if (target.nodeName == "BUTTON") { defaultButtonNeedToFire = false; } else if (target.nodeName == "INPUT" && (target.type == "submit" || target.type == "button")) { defaultButtonNeedToFire = false; } if (defaultButtonNeedToFire && (typeof (defaultButton) != 'undefined') && defaultButton != null && GetControl(defaultButton) != null) if ((typeof (gridname) != 'undefined') && (this.parent != null) && gridname != null && GetControl(gridname) != null) { try { var grid = $find(gridname);// igtbl_getGridById(gridname); if (grid != null) { if (grid.get_rows().get_length() == 0) { GetControl(defaultButton).click(); return false; } else { Ok_Click(event); return false; } } } catch (ex) { return false; } } else if (defaultButtonNeedToFire) { //N.Vamsi Rajesh 23/04/2012 TD:4514 Claim is getting saved even clicked No in Close Confirmation window if (event.keyCode != 27) { setTimeout('GetControl("' + defaultButton + '").click()', 100); } return false; } } catch (ex) { //alert('An error has occurred: '+ex.description); } } var nAgt = navigator.userAgent; if (nAgt.indexOf("Safari") != -1) { var isPageIsShowModal = getUrlVars()["isPageIsShowModal"]; if (isPageIsShowModal != null) if (event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 37 || event.keyCode == 38 || event.keyCode == 39 || event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 9) { return true; } else { return false; } } } //This function will handle the documnet.onkeydown event document.onkeydown = function (event) { event = event || window.event; return document_onkeydown(event); } //START Added by N.Vamsi Rajesh 21/08/2013 for Sessiont Timeout FRD //Added By Naresh 18 April 2008 for Session Expiry var clockTimeoutID; var clockTimeoutIDRemainder; var sessionTimeOut; var sessionTimeoutWarning; var dPath = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; var minRemainderTime; var dateOfExpiryOfSession; var dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder; var currentDate; var sessionExpireRemainderTime; var leftOurMin; var ImgDocId; var urlLogoutPath; function setSessionTimeout(SessionOut, _sessionTimeoutWarning, _encryptSession, logoutURL) { try { urlLogoutPath = logoutURL; if (_encryptSession) { dPath = _encryptSession; } Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 0, 1, '/', '', false); if (Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout') == 2) { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 1, 1, '/', '', false); } else { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 0, 1, '/', '', false); } if (_sessionTimeoutWarning) { sessionTimeoutWarning = _sessionTimeoutWarning; } sessionTimeOut = SessionOut; clearTimeout(clockTimeoutID); clockTimeoutID = setTimeout("checkSession('SessionExpire',0)", parseInt(SessionOut), "JavaScript"); checkCookieChangeEvent(); } catch (ex) { } } function checkCookieChangeEvent() { try { currentDate = new Date(); var minSessionTimeout = ((sessionTimeOut / 60) / 1000); minRemainderTime = ((sessionTimeOut / 60) / 1000) - sessionTimeoutWarning; dateOfExpiryOfSession = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + minSessionTimeout * 60000).formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'); dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + minRemainderTime * 60000).formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOut', dateOfExpiryOfSession, 1, '/', '', false); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeRemainder', dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder, 1, '/', '', false); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutTemp', Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutS', '1'), 1, '/', '', false); clockTimeoutIDRemainder = setInterval('checkSessionRemainder()', 1000); } catch (ex) { } } function checkSessionRemainder() { try { currentDate = new Date(); if (Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout') == 1 || Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout') == 2) { closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout')); return false; } if (Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutS', '1') == Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutTemp')) { dateOfExpiryOfSession = new Date(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOut')); dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder = new Date(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeRemainder')); var cSessionAlertFired = Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired'); if (cSessionAlertFired == 0) { if (currentDate > dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder) { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 6, 1, '/', '', false); checkSession('SessionExpire', 0); } else { clearTimeout(clockTimeoutIDRemainder); clockTimeoutIDRemainder = setInterval('checkSessionRemainder()', 1000); } } if (currentDate > dateOfExpiryOfSession) { RedirectToWelcomePage(); } } else { dateOfExpiryOfSession = new Date(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutS', '1')); olddateOfExpiryOfSession = new Date(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutTemp')); if (dateOfExpiryOfSession) if (olddateOfExpiryOfSession) { currentDate = new Date(); var minSessionTimeout = ((sessionTimeOut / 60) / 1000); minRemainderTime = ((sessionTimeOut / 60) / 1000) - sessionTimeoutWarning; dateOfExpiryOfSession = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + minSessionTimeout * 60000).formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'); dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + minRemainderTime * 60000).formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOut', dateOfExpiryOfSession, 1, '/', '', false); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeRemainder', dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder, 1, '/', '', false); clearTimeout(clockTimeoutIDRemainder); clockTimeoutIDRemainder = setInterval('checkSessionRemainder()', 1000); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutTemp', Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOutS', '1'), 1, '/', '', false); clearTimeout(clockTimeoutID); clockTimeoutID = setTimeout("checkSession('SessionExpire',0)", parseInt(sessionTimeOut), "JavaScript"); } } } catch (ex) { } } function checkSession(res, expired, logoutURL) { try { if (logoutURL != null) { urlLogoutPath = logoutURL; } var minSessionRemainder = 0; if (expired != 0 && res == "SessionExpire") { closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(expired); return false; } if (Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout') == 1) { closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(); } if (res != null) { if (res == "SessionExpire") { if (window.dialogArguments != null) { if (Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout') == 1) { closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(); return true; } sessionExpireRemainderTime = new Date(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOut')); currentTime = new Date(); leftOurMin = sessionExpireRemainderTime - currentTime; leftOurMin = leftOurMin - 2000; minSessionRemainder = (leftOurMin / 60000).toFixed(2); if (sessionTimeoutWarning == 0) { answer = 5; } else { DisplayAlertForRemainder(minSessionRemainder); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 0, 1, '/', '', false); } //if (answer == 1) { // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 0, 1, '/', '', false); // increaseSessionTime(); //} //else if (answer == 2) { // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 2, 1, '/', '', false); // LogOutFromSession(); //} //else if (answer == 3) { // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 3, 1, '/', '', false); // closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(1); // return true; //} //else if (answer == 5) { // return true; //} //else { // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 08-Nvo-2013 Fixing Defect ID 548,550 and 551 // increaseSessionTime(); // //Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 4, 1, '/', '', false); // return false; //} } else { if (Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout') == 1) { closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(); return true; } sessionExpireRemainderTime = new Date(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOut')); currentTime = new Date(); leftOurMin = sessionExpireRemainderTime - currentTime; leftOurMin = leftOurMin - 2000; minSessionRemainder = (leftOurMin / 60000).toFixed(2); if (sessionTimeoutWarning == 0) { answer = 5; wdwConfirmSessionRem(5); } else { DisplayAlertForRemainder(minSessionRemainder); } //if (answer == 1) { // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 0, 1, '/', '', false); // increaseSessionTime(); //} //else if (answer == 2) { // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 2, 1, '/', '', false); // LogOutFromSession(); //} //else if (answer == 3) { // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 3, 1, '/', '', false); // closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(1); // return true; //} //else if (answer == 5) { // return true; //} //else { // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 08-Nvo-2013 Fixing Defect ID 548,550 and 551 // increaseSessionTime(); // //Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 4, 1, '/', '', false); // return false; //} } } else { if (sessionTimeOut != null) setSessionTimeout(sessionTimeOut); } } else { if (sessionTimeOut != null) setSessionTimeout(sessionTimeOut); } } catch (err) { } } function increaseSessionTime() { try { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 0, 1, '/', '', false); clearTimeout(clockTimeoutIDRemainder); clockTimeoutIDRemainder = setInterval('checkSessionRemainder()', 1000); var img = new Image(1, 1); var currentDate = new Date(); var minSessionTimeout = ((sessionTimeOut / 60) / 1000); minRemainderTime = ((sessionTimeOut / 60) / 1000) - sessionTimeoutWarning; var dateOfExpiryOfSession = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + minSessionTimeout * 60000).formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'); var dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder = new Date(currentDate.getTime() + minRemainderTime * 60000).formatDate('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeOut', dateOfExpiryOfSession, 1, '/', '', false); Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeRemainder', dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder, 1, '/', '', false); img.src = getCurrentLocationPath() + 'AccessRestrictionPage.aspx?date=' + escape(currentDate); clearTimeout(clockTimeoutID); clockTimeoutID = setTimeout("checkSession('SessionExpire',0)", parseInt(sessionTimeOut), "JavaScript"); } catch (err) { } } function RedirectToWelcomePage() { closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(); } var countDispalyRemainder = 0; function DisplayAlertForRemainder(SessionRemainder) { try { var refrsh = new Date().getTime(); refrsh = refrsh + Math.random(); var comp = null; if (window['IsBrowserClose'] != undefined) { if (IsBrowserClose == "1") { return true; } } var dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder = new Date(Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionExpireTimeRemainder')); //comp = window.showModalDialog(getCurrentLocationPath() + 'ConfirmMessage.htm?dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder=' + dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder + '&dPath=' + dPath + '&SessionRemainder=' + SessionRemainder + "&r=" + refrsh, null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:400px;dialogHeight:140px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); //if (comp != null) { // return comp; //} var url = getCurrentLocationPath() + 'ConfirmMessage.htm?dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder=' + dateOfExpiryOfSessionRemainder + '&dPath=' + dPath + '&SessionRemainder=' + SessionRemainder + "&r=" + refrsh; InfShowModalDialog(url, "Confirm", "450px", "195px"); return false; } catch (e) { } } function wdwConfirmSessionRem(answer) { if (answer == 1) { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 0, 1, '/', '', false); increaseSessionTime(); } else if (answer == 2) { LogOutFromSession(); } else if (answer == 3) { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 3, 1, '/', '', false); closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(1); return true; } else if (answer == 5) { return true; } else { //N.Vamsi Rajesh 08-Nvo-2013 Fixing Defect ID 548,550 and 551 increaseSessionTime(); //Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 4, 1, '/', '', false); return false; } } var isSessionLogutMessageFired = 0; function LogOutFromSession() { var refrsh = new Date().getTime(); var comp = null; if (window['IsBrowserClose'] != undefined) { if (IsBrowserClose == "1") { return true; } } //comp = window.showModalDialog(getCurrentLocationPath() + 'ConfirmMessage.htm?isLogout=1&r=' + refrsh, null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:350px;dialogHeight:120px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); //if (comp != null) // if (comp) // if (comp == 1) { // isSessionLogutMessageFired = 1; // if (window._DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'CLAIM_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_EDIT' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_EDIT') { // GetControl('hdnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent').value = 0; // } // var strIsLogoutEventNeedsToFire = DispalyingAlertMessageAtTheTimeofLogout(); // var isLogoutEventNeedsToFireArray = strIsLogoutEventNeedsToFire.split("|"); // isEventFiredFromSaveChange = isLogoutEventNeedsToFireArray[1]; // if (isEventFiredFromSaveChange == 1) { // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 23/09/2013 Session Timeout - Save Alert Message[if click on yes need to increase the session time]. // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 23/10/2013 Fixing Defect ID 322 [Nothing is displayed in Duplicate in Claims] // if (window._DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'CLAIM_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_EDIT' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_EDIT') { // if (GetControl('hdnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent').value == 1) { // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 23/09/2013 Session Timeout - Save Alert Message // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 2, 1, '/', '', false); // } // else { // setTimeout('fnSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent()', 500); // } // } // else { // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 23/09/2013 Session Timeout - Save Alert Message // Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 2, 1, '/', '', false); // } // return false; // } // else if (isEventFiredFromSaveChange == 0) { // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 08-Nvo-2013 Fixing Defect ID 548,550 and 551 // increaseSessionTime(); // return false; // } // else { // if (isLogoutEventNeedsToFireArray[1] == 2) { // closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(3); // } // else { // closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(); // } // } // return true; // } ////N.Vamsi Rajesh 08-Nvo-2013 Fixing Defect ID 548,550 and 551 //increaseSessionTime(); var url = getCurrentLocationPath() + 'ConfirmMessage.htm?isLogout=1&r=' + refrsh; InfShowModalDialog(url, "Confirm", "360px", "175px"); return false; } function wdwLogoutFromSessionRemConfirmMessageSucceededCallback(comp) { gLogoutResolveUrl = urlLogoutPath; if (comp != null) { if (comp) { //N.Vamsi Rajesh 23/10/2013 Fixing Defect ID 322 [Nothing is displayed in Duplicate in Claims] if (window._DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'CLAIM_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_EDIT' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_EDIT') { GetControl('hdnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent').value = 0; } //N.Vamsi Rajesh 29/08/2013 Session Timeout - Save Alert Message var strIsLogoutEventNeedsToFire = DispalyingAlertMessageAtTheTimeofLogout(true); var isLogoutEventNeedsToFireArray = strIsLogoutEventNeedsToFire.split("|"); if (isLogoutEventNeedsToFireArray[0] == 'false') { return false; } else { window.isSaveEventFired = 2; CloseAllChatWindows(); parent.location.href = gLogoutResolveUrl; } } else { window.isSaveEventFired = 0; return false; } } else { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired', 2, 1, '/', '', false); } } function closeAllwindowsOnSessionExpire(expired) { try { var sessionExpirePath = urlLogoutPath.replace("Login.aspx", "SessionExpirePage.aspx"); if (expired == 2) { window.isSaveEventFired = 2; } else { window.isSaveEventFired = 3; } Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 1, 1, '/', '', false); killclock(); //N.Vamsi Rajesh 06-Nov-2013 Regarding Defect ID 552 if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('Login.aspx') != -1) { if (expired == 1) { window.location.href = sessionExpirePath; } else { parent.location.href = urlLogoutPath; } } //else if (window.dialogArguments != null || window.location.pathname.indexOf('AlertMessages.aspx') != -1) { // window.returnValue = "SessionExpire"; // if ((window.location.pathname.indexOf('ConfirmEmailAddress.aspx') != -1 || window.location.pathname.indexOf('ChangePassword.aspx') != -1) && Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired') == 2) { // window.returnValue = "Logout"; // } // window.close(); //} //else if (typeof (window.opener) != "undefined" && document.getElementById("lnkLogout") == null) { // //N.Vamsi Rajesh 21/10/2013 for fixing Defect ID 345 added this loop // window.location.href = sessionExpirePath; // window.close(); //} else { closeDialog(); if ((expired == 1 && Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired') != 2) || Get_Cookie(dPath + 'cSessionAlertFired') == 3) { window.isSaveEventFired = 2; parent.location.href = sessionExpirePath; } else if (expired == 3) { var refrsh = new Date().getTime(); parent.location.href = urlLogoutPath + '?isBrowserClose=1&id=' + refrsh; } else { //logout request from Session Timeout Page parent.location.href = urlLogoutPath; } } } catch (e) { } } function killclock() { try { clearTimeout(clockTimeoutID); clearTimeout(clockTimeoutIDRemainder); } catch (e) { } } var btn; function beginRequest(sender, e) { //N.Vamsi Rajesh 03/09/2013 for fixing Session Timeout FRD _PageUpdatedByUpdatePanel = 1; if (e.get_postBackElement() != null) { if (e.get_postBackElement().type == 'submit') { btn = e.get_postBackElement(); e.get_postBackElement().disabled = true; e.get_postBackElement().readOnly = true; } else btn = null; } else btn = null; return true; } function endRequest(sender, args) { clearTimeout(clockTimeoutIDRemainder); clockTimeoutIDRemainder = setInterval('checkSessionRemainder()', 1000); if (args.get_error() != undefined) { if (args.get_response().get_statusCode() == '200') { alert(args.get_error().message); } args.set_errorHandled(true); } if (btn != null) { btn.disabled = false; btn.readOnly = false; btn = null; } } //END //Added By Naresh For Numaric Check //END Added by N.Vamsi Rajesh 21/08/2013 for Sessiont Timeout FRD function NumberFilter(event) { var unicode = ('which' in event) ? ((event.which) ? event.which : event.keyCode) : event.keyCode; //var unicode; //try { // unicode = e.keyCode; //} //catch (err) { // try { // unicode = event.keyCode; // } // catch (error) { // unicode = e.which; // } //} // if(unicode <48 || unicode >57) // { // return false; // } // return true; //08/19/2008:For TD issue #1615,1616 Tabbing Problem if (event.shiftKey && unicode == 9) return true; else if (event.altKey && event.shiftKey && unicode == 83) return true; else if (event.altKey && unicode == 83) return true; else { if ((!event.shiftKey) && (unicode == 8 || unicode == 39 || unicode == 46 || unicode == 9 || (unicode >= 48 && unicode <= 57) || unicode == 37 || (unicode >= 96 && unicode <= 105) || unicode == 113)) return true; return false; } } //Added by Krishna Chaitanya to allow . with numeric validation and not to allow characters function NumberFilterWithDot(event) { var unicode = ('which' in event) ? event.which : event.keyCode; //var unicode; //try { // unicode = e.keyCode; //} //catch (err) { // try { // unicode = event.keyCode; // } // catch (error) { // unicode = e.which; // } //} if (event.shiftKey && unicode == 9) return true; else { if ((!event.shiftKey) && (unicode == 8 || unicode == 39 || unicode == 46 || unicode == 9 || (unicode >= 48 && unicode <= 57) || unicode == 37 || unicode == 110 || unicode == 190 || (unicode >= 96 && unicode <= 105))) return true; return false; } } // Added by Krishna Chaitanya to validate decimal values for Qty field // This function allows only one digit after decimal maximum number is 9999.9 function CheckQtyValueforAuthErrorEdit(me) { var obj = me.value; if (obj != '') { var str = obj; if (str.length != -1) { if (str.indexOf(".") == -1) { if (str.length <= 13) return true; else { alert("Maximum number format should be 99999999.999"); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } } else { var cat = str.indexOf(".") + 1; if ((str.length - cat == 3) && (str.lastIndexOf(".") + 1 != str.length)) return true; else if (str.length - cat == 0) { alert("Decimal must not be last character"); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } else if (str.length - cat <= 3) { return true; } else { alert("Only three digit allowed after decimal"); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } } } } } // Added by Krishna Chaitanya to validate decimal values for Qty field // This function allows only one digit after decimal function CheckQtyValue(me) { var obj = me.value; if (obj != '') { var str = obj; if (str.length != -1) { if (str.indexOf(".") == -1) { var float_num = parseFloat(str); // parse as float number if (float_num > 99999999) { var message = ("Maximum number format should be 99,999,999.999"); alert(message); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } return true; } else { var float_num = parseFloat(str); // parse as float number if (float_num > 99999999.999) { var message = ("Maximum number format should be 99,999,999.999"); alert(message); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } var cat = str.indexOf(".") + 1; if ((str.length - cat == 3) && (str.lastIndexOf(".") + 1 != str.length)) return true; else if (str.length - cat == 0) { alert("Decimal must not be last character"); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } else if (str.length - cat <= 3) { return true; } else { alert("Only three digit allowed after decimal"); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } } } } } //Added By Naresh For Change The Forecolor for Error Edit Screen Check function changeForeColor(res) { var StrRes = res.split('|'); for (var i = 0; i < StrRes.length; i++) if (StrRes[i] != null || StrRes[i] != "undefined") GetControl(StrRes[i]).style.color = "#000000"; } function validate_email_withmessage(field, alerttxt) { with (field) { apos = field.indexOf("@"); dotpos = field.lastIndexOf("."); if (apos < 1 || dotpos - apos < 2) { alert(alerttxt); return false; } else { return true; } } } function validate_email(field) { with (field) { apos = field.indexOf("@"); dotpos = field.lastIndexOf("."); if (apos < 1 || dotpos - apos < 2) { return false; } else { return true; } } } // Declaring valid date character, minimum year and maximum year var dtCh = "/"; var minYear = 1753; var maxYear = 9999; function isInteger(s) { var i; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { // Check that current character is number. var c = s.charAt(i); if (((c < "0") || (c > "9"))) return false; } // All characters are numbers. return true; } function AlphaNumeric() { if ((event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) || (event.keyCode >= 65 && event.keyCode <= 90) || (event.keyCode >= 97 && event.keyCode <= 122) || (event.keyCode == 13)) return true; else return false; } // Added by Krishna Chaitanya to allow decimal value also function AlphaNumericWithDot() { if ((event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) || (event.keyCode >= 65 && event.keyCode <= 90) || (event.keyCode >= 97 && event.keyCode <= 122) || (event.keyCode == 13) || (event.keyCode == 46)) return true; else return false; } function stripCharsInBag(s, bag) { var i; var returnString = ""; // Search through string's characters one by one. // If character is not in bag, append to returnString. for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var c = s.charAt(i); if (bag.indexOf(c) == -1) returnString += c; } return returnString; } function daysInFebruary(year) { // February has 29 days in any year evenly divisible by four, // EXCEPT for centurial years which are not also divisible by 400. return (((year % 4 == 0) && ((!(year % 100 == 0)) || (year % 400 == 0))) ? 29 : 28); } function DaysArray(n) { for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = 31; if (i == 4 || i == 6 || i == 9 || i == 11) { this[i] = 30; } if (i == 2) { this[i] = 29; } } return this; } function isDate(dtStr, isMessage) { if (typeof (isMessage) == "undefined") isMessage = true; var daysInMonth = DaysArray(12); var pos1 = dtStr.indexOf(dtCh); var pos2 = dtStr.indexOf(dtCh, pos1 + 1); var strMonth = dtStr.substring(0, pos1); var strDay = dtStr.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2); var strYear = dtStr.substring(pos2 + 1); strYr = strYear; if (strDay.charAt(0) == "0" && strDay.length > 1) strDay = strDay.substring(1); if (strMonth.charAt(0) == "0" && strMonth.length > 1) strMonth = strMonth.substring(1); for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { if (strYr.charAt(0) == "0" && strYr.length > 1) strYr = strYr.substring(1); } month = parseInt(strMonth); day = parseInt(strDay); year = parseInt(strYr); if (pos1 == -1 || pos2 == -1) { if (isMessage) alert("The date format should be : mm/dd/yyyy"); return false; } var f = 0; if (strMonth.length < 1 || month < 1 || month > 12) f = 1; if (strDay.length < 1 || day < 1 || day > 31 || (month == 2 && day > daysInFebruary(year)) || day > daysInMonth[month]) f = 1; if (strYear.length != 4 || year == 0 || year < minYear || year > maxYear) { alert("Please enter a valid 4 digit year between " + minYear + " and " + maxYear); return false; } if (dtStr.indexOf(dtCh, pos2 + 1) != -1 || isInteger(stripCharsInBag(dtStr, dtCh)) == false) f = 1; if (f == 1) { if (isMessage) alert("Date entered is invalid"); return false; } return true; } //This function is used to validate date in the format dd/mm/yyyy (U.K. style) //dtControl is the client id of the control which contains the date function validateDate(dtControl) { var input = GetControl(dtControl); var validformat = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/;//Basic check for format validity var returnval = false; if (!validformat.test(input.value)) alert('Invalid Date Format. Please correct.'); else { //Detailed check for valid date ranges var dayfield = input.value.split("/")[0]; var monthfield = input.value.split("/")[1]; var yearfield = input.value.split("/")[2]; var dayobj = new Date(yearfield, monthfield - 1, dayfield); if ((dayobj.getMonth() + 1 != monthfield) || (dayobj.getDate() != dayfield) || (dayobj.getFullYear() != yearfield)) alert('Invalid Day, Month, or Year range detected. Please correct.'); else { returnval = true; } } if (returnval == false) input.focus(); return returnval; } //Added By naresh july 17 2008 format Like 20080809 'yyyymmdd' on Tab function validateDate8(event, me, isMessage) { if (typeof (isMessage) == "undefined") isMessage = true; var keyCode = ('which' in event) ? event.which : event.keyCode; if (keyCode != 9) { return NumberFilter(event); } else { var str = me.value; if (str.length == 8) { var year = str.substr(0, 4); var month = str.substr(4, 2); var day = str.substr(6, 2); if (isDate(month + '/' + day + '/' + year, isMessage)) return true; else { me.focus(); return false; } } else if (str.length > 0) { alert('Invalid date format,the date format should be like \'YYYYMMDD\'.'); me.focus(); return false; } } } //Added By naresh july 17 2008 format Like 20080809 'yyyymmdd' function validateDate8Check(str, isMessage) { if (typeof (isMessage) == "undefined") isMessage = true; if (str.length == 8) { var year = str.substr(0, 4); var month = str.substr(4, 2); var day = str.substr(6, 2); if (isDate(month + '/' + day + '/' + year, isMessage)) return true; else return false; } else if (str.length > 0) return false; } //Date Conversion Function for mm/dd/yyyy TO yyymmdd function DateConvert(oDate) { var sDate = ''; if (oDate != null && oDate != '') { var sNewDate = oDate.split('/'); var sNewYear = sNewDate[2]; var sNewMonth = sNewDate[0]; var sNewDay = sNewDate[1]; if (parseInt(trims(sNewMonth), 10) < 10) sNewMonth = '0' + parseInt(trims(sNewMonth), 10); if (parseInt(trims(sNewDay), 10) < 10) sNewDay = '0' + parseInt(trims(sNewDay), 10); sDate = trims(sNewYear) + trims(sNewMonth) + trims(sNewDay); } return sDate; } //End of Date Conversion Function //Time validation Check (0000 to 2359) Added By Naresh on 05 Sept 2008 function CheckTime(event, Time) { var keyCode = ('which' in event) ? event.which : event.keyCode; var b = NumberFilter(event); if (Time.length <= 4) { if (b && Time.length == 4) { var TimeRE = /^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3])(([0-5][0-9])){1,2}$/; //^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3])(:([0-5][0-9])){1,2}$ for 23:59 like if (Time.match(TimeRE)) { return true; } else if (Time.length != 0) { if (keyCode == 9) { alert("The time entered is invalid, format should be HHMM "); return false; } } } else if (keyCode == 9 && Time.length != 0) { alert("The time entered is invalid, format should be HHMM "); return false; } else return b; } else if (keyCode == 9) { alert("The time entered is invalid, format should be HHMM "); return false; } } function DecimalMove(ControlId) { strAmt = GetControl(ControlId).value; if ((strAmt.length == 1) && (strAmt != ".")) { GetControl(ControlId).value = '.' + strAmt; return true; } else { if ((strAmt.length == 1) && (strAmt = ".")) { GetControl(ControlId).value = ''; return true; } } if (strAmt.length > 3) { strAmt = replaceAll(strAmt, '.', ''); strAmt = strAmt.substring(0, strAmt.length - 2) + '.' + strAmt.substring(strAmt.length - 2, strAmt.length); GetControl(ControlId).value = strAmt; return true; } } function replaceAll(str, oldVal, newVal) { len = str.indexOf(oldVal); if (len != -1) { str = str.replace(oldVal, newVal); str = replaceAll(str, oldVal, newVal); } return str; } function ValidateInteger() { if ((event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) || event.keyCode == 46) return true; else return false; } //Added By Omkar to Fix Issue 2294 in TD function ValidateBoolean() { if (event.keyCode == 48 || event.keyCode == 49) return true; else return false; } //Ended By Omkar to Fix Issue 2294 in TD function ValidateInteger() { if (event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) return true; else return false; } //Added By Naresh function doClose(event) { var isWDW = getUrlVars()["isWDW"]; if (isWDW != null) { EscapeCloseDialog(isWDW); return false; } if (GetControl("btnBeforeClose") != null) GetControl("btnBeforeClose").click(); event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = false; window.close(); return false; } function RTrims(value) { var re = /((\s*\S+)*)\s*/; return value.replace(re, "$1"); } function LTrims(value) { var re = /\s*((\S+\s*)*)/; return value.replace(re, "$1"); } function trims(value) { if (value != 'undefined' && value != null) { return LTrims(RTrims(value)); } } function MM_openBrWindow(theURL, winName, features) { window.open(theURL, winName, features); } function SetFocus(cnt) { try { if (GetControl(cnt) != null) { GetControl(cnt).focus(); } } catch (ex) { } } function FailedCallback(error) { alert(error.get_message()); } function ChangeLocation(fileName) { window.location.replace(fileName); } function Confirm(message) { var response = window.confirm(message); return response; } function PrintAllPages(from, batchid, companyId) { // GetControl('UpdateProgress1').style.display = "block"; //winopen = window.showModalDialog('PrintALL.aspx?From=' + from + '&BatchID=' + batchid + '&CompanyID=' + companyId, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:760px;dialogHeight:650px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:1'); var url = 'PrintALL.aspx?From=' + from + '&BatchID=' + batchid + '&CompanyID=' + companyId; InfShowModalDialog(url, "Print ALL", "760px", "650px"); //checkSession(winopen); return false; } function PrintAllPages(from, batchid, companyId, hpcode) { // GetControl('UpdateProgress1').style.display = "block"; //winopen = window.showModalDialog('PrintALL.aspx?From=' + from + '&BatchID=' + batchid + '&CompanyID=' + companyId + '&HPCode=' + hpcode, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:760px;dialogHeight:650px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:1'); var url = 'PrintALL.aspx?From=' + from + '&BatchID=' + batchid + '&CompanyID=' + companyId + '&HPCode=' + hpcode; InfShowModalDialog(url, "Print ALL", "760px", "650px"); // checkSession(winopen); return true; } function PrintAllPagesWithGroupingErrors(from, batchid, companyId) { // GetControl('UpdateProgress1').style.display = "block"; if (GetControl('hidGroupByErrs') != null) { GroupErrorValue = GetControl('hidGroupByErrs').value; } // winopen = window.showModalDialog('PrintALL.aspx?From=' + from + '&BatchID=' + batchid + '&CompanyID=' + companyId + '&GroupErrorValue=' + GroupErrorValue, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:760px;dialogHeight:650px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:1'); var url = 'PrintALL.aspx?From=' + from + '&BatchID=' + batchid + '&CompanyID=' + companyId + '&GroupErrorValue=' + GroupErrorValue InfShowModalDialog(url, "Print ALL", "760px", "650px"); //checkSession(winopen); return true; } function ddlAvailableReports_OnChange(me, BatchID, CompID) { if (GetControl('divAuditDrop') != null) GetControl('divAuditDrop').style.visibility = "hidden"; var myindex = me.selectedIndex; if (me.options[myindex].value.toUpperCase() == 'BATCHELIGAUDITFILEDROPREPORT') { GetControl('divAuditDrop').style.visibility = "visible"; } //Added by Sanni on Sept 26 2012 for CLAIM INLOAD REJECT Report else if (me.options[myindex].text.toUpperCase() == 'CLAIM INLOAD REJECT') { var avlReportText = me.options[myindex].text; var querystring = '../ReportViewer.aspx?ReportPageName=' + me.options[myindex].value + "&CompanyId=" + GetControl(CompID).value + "&BatchId=" + GetControl(BatchID).value + "&ReportLiteralName=" + avlReportText; DisplayReport(querystring); return false; } //Added by Sanni on Mar 29 2013 for Error Reject Report EA and AA enhancement else if (me.options[myindex].text.toUpperCase() == 'AUTH INLOAD REJECT') { var avlReportText = me.options[myindex].text; var querystring = '../ReportViewer.aspx?ReportPageName=' + me.options[myindex].value + "&CompanyId=" + GetControl(CompID).value + "&BatchId=" + GetControl(BatchID).value + "&ReportLiteralName=" + avlReportText; DisplayReport(querystring); return false; } else if (me.options[myindex].text.toUpperCase() == 'ELIG. INLOAD REJECT') { var avlReportText = me.options[myindex].text; var querystring = '../ReportViewer.aspx?ReportPageName=' + me.options[myindex].value + "&CompanyId=" + GetControl(CompID).value + "&BatchId=" + GetControl(BatchID).value + "&ReportLiteralName=" + avlReportText; DisplayReport(querystring); return false; } //Ended by Sanni else if (me.options[myindex].text.toUpperCase() == 'CLAIM INLOAD REJECT(EPF)') { var avlReportText = me.options[myindex].text; var querystring = '../ReportViewer.aspx?ReportPageName=' + me.options[myindex].value + "&CompanyId=" + GetControl(CompID).value + "&BatchId=" + GetControl(BatchID).value + "&ReportLiteralName=" + avlReportText; DisplayReport(querystring); return false; } else if (me.options[myindex].text.toUpperCase() == 'ELIGIBILITY DROP TERMS REPORT') { var url = "EligibilityDropTermsReport.aspx?CompanyId=" + GetControl(CompID).value + "&BatchId="+ GetControl(BatchID).value +""; //+ data.value; InfShowModalDialog(url, "ELIGIBILITY DROP TERMS REPORT", "430px", "240px"); return false; } else { var strUrl = me.options[myindex].value + 'BatchID=' + GetControl(BatchID).value + '&CompanyID=' + GetControl(CompID).value; //top.frames['mainpage'].location.href=strUrl; window.location.href = strUrl; } return true; } //Added By Nanda Kishore.v On Sep 18 2009 function ddlHpCodeAuditDropReport_OnChange(me, BatchID, CompID) { var myindex = me.selectedIndex; if (RTrims(LTrims(me.options[myindex].value)) == '') return true; var strUrl = me.options[myindex].value + 'Type=AUDITDROP&BatchID=' + GetControl(BatchID).value + '&CompanyID=' + GetControl(CompID).value + '&HPCode=' + me.options[myindex].text //top.frames['mainpage'].location.href=strUrl; window.location.href = strUrl; return true; } //End of Added By Nanda Kishore.v On Sep 18 2009 function CheckSubmit() { if (GetControl('hidSubmit') != undefined) { if (GetControl('hidSubmit').value == "1") { alert('Request Submitted'); GetControl('hidSubmit').value = "0"; } } } //END function checkTab(event, forwardCntrl, backwardcntl) { var ctl = null; if (event.keyCode == 9 && event.shiftKey == true && backwardcntl != null) ctl = GetControl(backwardcntl); else if (event.keyCode == 9 && event.shiftKey == false && forwardCntrl != null) ctl = GetControl(forwardCntrl); if (ctl != null) ctl.focus(); else return true; return false; } //Added By Naresh for fixing the TD issue 3281 as on 06th Nov 2009. // function CheckDecimal(ctl) // { // // // if(ctl.value.length>0) // if((ctl.value.lastIndexOf(".")<0 && ctl.value.length>ctl.maxlength-3) || (ctl.value.lastIndexOf(".")>ctl.maxlength-3)) // { // var val=''; // for(int i=0; i<=ctl.value.maxlength-3;i++) // val=val+'9'; // alert('Number Value should be between - '+val+'.99 and +'+ val+'.99'); // ctl.focus(); // return false; // } // // // } //Hide status bar msg II script- by javascriptkit.com //Visit JavaScript Kit (http://javascriptkit.com) for script //Credit must stay intact for use //Added By Naresh as on 30th Jan 2010 function setUpperCase(evnt) { try { for (var i = 0; i < document.forms[0].elements.length; i++) { var oElem; oElem = document.forms[0].elements[i]; if (oElem.type == "text") oElem.value = oElem.value.toUpperCase(); } } catch (e) { alert("SettoUpperCase" + e.description); } } //Added By Naresh as on 1st Feb 2010 for Showing Memopopup function OpenMemoPopup(CompanyID, MemoCategory, CategoryId, MemoCategoryId) { var querystring = ''; if (MemoCategoryId != null) querystring = '&MemoCategoryId=' + MemoCategoryId else querystring = '' //winreturn = window.showModalDialog('Memos.aspx' + '?MemoCategory=' + MemoCategory + '&CategoryId=' + CategoryId + '&CompanyID=' + CompanyID + MemoCategoryId, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:430px;dialogHeight:180px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); winreturn = 'Memos.aspx' + '?MemoCategory=' + MemoCategory + '&CategoryId=' + CategoryId + '&CompanyID=' + CompanyID + querystring; var title = ''; if (MemoCategory != '' || MemoCategory != undefined) { if (MemoCategory.toUpperCase() == 'PROVIDER') { title = "Memos for Provider # " + " " + MemoCategoryId.toUpperCase(); } if (MemoCategory.toUpperCase() == 'MEMBER') { title = "Memos for Member # " + " " + MemoCategoryId.toUpperCase(); } if (MemoCategory.toUpperCase() == 'AUTHORIZATION') { title = "Memos for Authorization # " + " " + CategoryId; } if (MemoCategory.toUpperCase() == 'CLAIMS') { title = "Memos for Claim # " + " " + CategoryId; } if (MemoCategory.toUpperCase() == 'REFERRAL') { title = "Memos for Referral # " + " " + CategoryId; } } InfShowModalDialog(winreturn, title, '430px', '200px'); return false; } ///Author Srinivasa Rao //Type Argument takes only ClaimSubmission or AuthorizationSubmission var data; var cntrlId; function OpenNotesDialog(Notescontrolid, screenname, btnDummyNotes) { cntrlId = Notescontrolid; data = document.getElementById(Notescontrolid); //var cntrl = null; //winreturn = new Array(2); //Tamperproof = new Array(2); //Tamperproof[0] = data.value; //winreturn = window.showModalDialog("NotesDialog.aspx?FromScreen=" + screenname, Tamperproof, 'status:no;dialogWidth:600px;dialogHeight:330px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); var btnNotes = document.getElementById('btnDummyNotes'); if (btnDummyNotes != null) { document.getElementById(btnDummyNotes).click(); } var url = "NotesDialog.aspx?FromScreen=" + screenname + "&dialogArguments=''"; //+ data.value; InfShowModalDialog(url, "Notes Dialog", "600px", "335px"); //if (winreturn != null && winreturn.length > 0 && winreturn[0] == 1) { // data.value = winreturn[1]; // //alert(winreturn[1] + " " + winreturn[0]) //} return false; } var objImgbtnNotes; function OpenNotesPopup(CompanyID, NotesCategory, CategoryId, NotesCategoryId, imgClientId) { var objNotesCategoryId = NotesCategoryId; if (NotesCategoryId != null) NotesCategoryId = '&NotesCategoryId=' + NotesCategoryId else NotesCategoryId = '' objImgbtnNotes = document.getElementById(imgClientId); winreturn = 'Notes.aspx' + '?NotesCategory=' + NotesCategory + '&CategoryId=' + CategoryId + '&CompanyID=' + CompanyID + NotesCategoryId; var title = ''; if (NotesCategory != '' || NotesCategory != undefined) { if (NotesCategory.toUpperCase() == 'PROVIDER') { title = "Notes for Provider #" + " " + objNotesCategoryId.toUpperCase(); } if (NotesCategory.toUpperCase() == 'MEMBER') { title = "Notes for Member #" + " " + objNotesCategoryId.toUpperCase(); } if (NotesCategory.toUpperCase() == 'AUTHORIZATION') { title = "Notes for Authorization #" + " " + CategoryId; } if (NotesCategory.toUpperCase() == 'REFERRAL') { title = "Notes for Referral #" + " " + CategoryId; } if (NotesCategory.toUpperCase() == 'CLAIMS') { title = "Notes for Claims #" + " " + CategoryId; } } InfShowModalDialog(winreturn, title, "740px", "435px"); return false; //winreturn = window.showModalDialog('Notes.aspx' + '?NotesCategory=' + NotesCategory + '&CategoryId=' + CategoryId + '&CompanyID=' + CompanyID + NotesCategoryId, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:600px;dialogHeight:330px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); ////Added by bhaskar for fixing TD-ID:3738 issue //var objImgbtnNotes = document.getElementById(imgClientId); //if (winreturn != null && winreturn.length > 0) { // if (winreturn[0] == 1) { // objImgbtnNotes.src = '../../Images/notes_Exists.gif'; // } // else if (winreturn[0] == 0) { // objImgbtnNotes.src = '../../Images/notes.gif'; // } //} ////End //return false; } function wdwNotesSucceededCallback(winreturn) { if (winreturn != null && winreturn.length > 0) { if (winreturn[0] == 1) { objImgbtnNotes.src = '../../Images/notes_Exists.gif'; } else if (winreturn[0] == 0) { objImgbtnNotes.src = '../../Images/notes.gif'; } } //End return false; } //END //Added By Naresh as on 4th Feb 2010 for Showing EZ-Alerts function OpenEPosts(MembID, MembKeyID, CompanyID) { var winopen = 'EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&MembKeyID=' + MembKeyID + '&CompID=' + CompanyID + '&MemberId=' + MembID; var title = 'EZ-Alert for Member ' + MembID; InfShowModalDialog(winopen, title, "635px", "370px"); return false; //var winopen = window.showModalDialog('EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&MembKeyID=' + MembKeyID + '&CompID=' + CompanyID + '&MemberId=' + MembID, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:620px;dialogHeight:340px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); //if (event != null) { // event.cancelBubble = true // event.returnValue = false; //} //return false; } function OpenEZAlerts(AlertMessage, MemberID, ctl) { if (ctl == null || typeof (ctl) == "undefined") { var winopen = 'EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&AlertMessage=' + AlertMessage + '&MemberId=' + MemberID var title = 'EZ-Alert for Member ' + MemberID; InfShowModalDialog(winopen, title, "635px", "370px"); return false; //var winopen = window.showModalDialog('EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&AlertMessage=' + AlertMessage + '&MemberId=' + MemberID, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:620px;dialogHeight:340px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); //if (event != null) { // event.cancelBubble = true // event.returnValue = false; //} } else if (ctl) { var AlertMessage1 = GetControl(AlertMessage).value; var MemberID1 = GetControl(MemberID).value var winopen = 'EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&AlertMessage=' + AlertMessage1 + '&MemberId=' + MemberID1 var title = 'EZ-Alert for Member ' + MemberID1; InfShowModalDialog(winopen, title, "635px", "370px"); return false; //var winopen = window.showModalDialog('EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&AlertMessage=' + AlertMessage1 + '&MemberId=' + MemberID1, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:620px;dialogHeight:340px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); //if (event != null) { // event.cancelBubble = true // event.returnValue = false; //} } return false; } function hidestatus() { window.status = '' return true } function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function () { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } function PleaseWait() { if (GetControl("loading") != null) { if (document.readyState == "complete") GetControl("loading").style.visibility = "hidden"; else GetControl("loading").style.visibility = "visible"; } } function OpenDocument(_ModuleName, _CompanyID, AuthNo, ImgDocmgmtId, screenname) { if (_ModuleName == null || ImgDocmgmtId == null) return false; var _FolderN = _CompanyID + AuthNo; ImgDocId = ImgDocmgmtId; ////winreturn = window.showModalDialog('../../DocumentManagement/ImageCapture.aspx?Fromscreen=' + screenname + '&folderN=' + _FolderN + '&ModuleN=' + _ModuleName + '&CompanyID=' + _CompanyID, null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:600px;dialogHeight:320px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); var url = '../../DocumentManagement/ImageCapture.aspx?Fromscreen=' + screenname + '&folderN=' + _FolderN + '&ModuleN=' + _ModuleName + '&CompanyID=' + _CompanyID InfShowModalDialog(url, "Document Management", "600px", "325px"); //Added by bhaskar for fixing if doc upload then image red mark issue on Sep 13th,2011 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ////if (winreturn != null && winreturn.length > 0) { //// if (winreturn[0] == 1) { //// ImgDocmgmtId.src = '../../Images/Document_Image.gif'; //// if (GetControl('hdnDocImg')) { //// GetControl('hdnDocImg').value = '../../Images/Document_Image.gif'; //// } //// } //// else if (winreturn[0] == 0) { //// ImgDocmgmtId.src = '../../Images/Document.gif'; //// if (GetControl('hdnDocImg')) { //// GetControl('hdnDocImg').value = '../../Images/Document.gif'; //// } //// } ////} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //End // if (winreturn != null) { // var preval = GetControl('hidMemDocuments').value; // GetControl('hidMemDocuments').value = winreturn; // var currval = GetControl('hidMemDocuments').value; // if (preval != currval) { // GetControl('btnUpdateDocumentImage').click(); // if (event != null) { // event.cancelBubble = true; // event.returnValue = false; // } // } // } return false; } function focusonDate(id) { GetControl(id).focus(); } // Added By: Manoj on 11/18/2013, Added new function, setFocusOnDates(id), to set the focus on new WebDatePicker control. function setFocusOnDates(id) { $find(id).setFocus(); } function trim(value) { return LTrim(RTrim(value)); } function LTrim(value) { // var re = /\s*((\S+\s*)*)/; return value.replace(re, "$1"); } // Removes ending whitespaces function RTrim(value) { // Removes leading spaces var re = /((\s*\S+)*)\s*/; return value.replace(re, "$1"); } function FailedCallback(error) { alert(error.get_message()); } function GetControl(serverId) { try { if (document.getElementById(serverId) != null) return document.getElementById(serverId); else if (document.getElementById(GetClientId(serverId)) != null) return document.getElementById(GetClientId(serverId)); else return null; } catch (ex) { } } if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT | Event.ONMOUSEDOWN | Event.ONMOUSEUP | Event.ONMOUSEMOVE) document.onmouseover = hidestatus document.onmouseout = hidestatus document.onmousedown = hidestatus document.onmouseup = hidestatus document.onmousemove = hidestatus /* Author : Srinivasa Rao Nalam */ function DisplayReport(ReportQueryString) { //window.open(ReportQueryString, 'Report', 'height=600px,width=820,left=200,top=100,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no'); var left = 50; //(screen.availWidth-screen.width / 2); var top = 20; //(screen.availWidth-screen.height / 2); var W = window.screen.width - 100; var H = window.screen.height - 100; window.open(ReportQueryString, 'Report', 'height=' + H + 'px, width=' + W + 'px,left=' + left + ',top=' + top + ',resizable=no,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,status=no'); return false; } function URLPath(strURL) { strURL = strURL.replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); return strURL; } function OpenEpostPopulate() { window.setTimeout('OpenEpost()', 250); } function OpenEpost() { if (GetControl('hidEpostType')) { if ((GetControl('hidEpostType').value == '1') || (GetControl('hidEpostType').value == 1))//This reads if member is alert or ondemand { var MembKeyID = GetControl('hdnMemberKeyID').value; var MemberID = GetControl('hdnMemberid').value; var CompanyId = GetControl('hdnCompanyid').value; //var winopen = window.showModalDialog('../Eligibility/MemberEPostPopUP.aspx?ModuleName=Cases&MembKeyID=' + MembKeyID + '&CompID=' + CompanyId + '&MemberId=' + MemberID, null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:620px;dialogHeight:340px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); var winopen = 'EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&MembKeyID=' + MembKeyID + '&CompID=' + CompanyId + '&MemberId=' + MemberID; var title = 'EZ-Alert for Member ' + MemberID; InfShowModalDialog(winopen, title, "635px", "370px"); return false; //var winopen = window.showModalDialog('EZAlerts.aspx?ModuleName=Members&MembKeyID=' + MembKeyID + '&CompID=' + CompanyId + '&MemberId=' + MemberID, window, 'status:no;dialogWidth:620px;dialogHeight:340px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); //if (event != null) { // event.cancelBubble = true; // event.returnValue = false; //} //return false; } } } //Added for AuthSubmission and AuthEdit detail qty validation for first plus new change function checkProcCodesReqQty(rqty, aqty) { //checking decimal validation CheckQtyValueAuthSub(document.getElementById(rqty)); if (document.getElementById(aqty).value == '') { document.getElementById(aqty).value = 0; } if (document.getElementById(rqty).value == '') { document.getElementById(rqty).value = 0; } document.getElementById(aqty).value = document.getElementById(rqty).value; } function CheckQtyValueAuthSub(me) { var obj = me.value; if (obj != '') { var str = obj if (str.length != -1) { if (str.indexOf(".") == -1) { if (str.length <= 13) { var float_num = parseFloat(str); // parse as float number if (float_num > 99999999) { var message = ("Maximum number format should be 99,999,999.999"); alert(message); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } var accurate = float_num.toFixed(3); // Will return ".0" me.value = accurate //return true; } } else { var float_num = parseFloat(str); // parse as float number if (float_num > 99999999.999) { var message = ("Maximum number format should be 99,999,999.999"); alert(message); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } var cat = str.indexOf(".") + 1 if ((str.length - cat == 3) && (str.lastIndexOf(".") + 1 != str.length)) { var float_num = parseFloat(str); // parse as float number var accurate = float_num.toFixed(3); // Will return ".0" me.value = accurate //return true; } else if (str.length - cat == 0) { alert("Decimal must not be last character"); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } else if (str.length - cat <= 3) { return true; } else { alert("Only three digit allowed after decimal"); me.value = obj; me.value = ""; me.focus(); setTimeout(function () { me.value = obj; }, 10); return false; } } } } if (GetControl('txtQty').value == '') { GetControl('txtQty').value = 0; } if (GetControl('txtReqQty').value == '') { GetControl('txtReqQty').value = 0; } GetControl('txtQty').value = GetControl('txtReqQty').value; return true; } //End // Added by Krishna Chaitanya on June-10-2011 to accept alphanumeric characters. function AlphaNumericFilter() { var unicode; try { unicode = event.keyCode; } catch (error) { unicode = e.which; } if (event.shiftKey && unicode == 9) return true; else { if ((!event.shiftKey) && (unicode == 8 || unicode == 39 || unicode == 46 || unicode == 9 || (unicode >= 48 && unicode <= 57) || unicode == 37 || (unicode >= 96 && unicode <= 105) || (unicode >= 65 && unicode <= 90))) return true; return false; } } /* ****************************CHAT APPLICATION ****************************************/ /* author : Srinivasa Rao Nalam Date : 07/Jul/2011 /* ************************************************************************************ */ /*Global Window Objects */ var _windowController; var _windowActiveUsersController; function windowController() { var loadedWindows = new Array() var top = 80; var left = 80; //SenderUID, ReceiverUid, Chatroomid, UserStatus //wndName is the ChatRoom SenderUID,ReceiverUid,UserStatus this.popUpWindow = function (wndUrl, wndName, wndWidth, wndHeight) { var windObj = null; //var wndWidth, wndHeight; try { windObj = findWindow(wndName); //alert("focus"); if (windObj != null) { //windObj.focus(); } else { if (typeof wndWidth == 'undefined') wndWidth = 320; if (typeof wndHeight == 'undefined') wndHeight = 450; //windObj = window.open(wndUrl, wndName, 'toolbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,location=0,directories=0,width=' + wndWidth + ',height=' + wndHeight); var myArguments = new Array(10); // myArguments[0] = wndName; // myArguments[1] = SenderUID; // myArguments[2] = ReceiverUid; // myArguments[3] = UserStatus; //windObj = window.showModelessDialog(wndUrl, myArguments, 'location=0, toolbar=NO, status=0, width=320, height=380, menubar=no, scrollbars=NO, resizable=YES'); windObj = window.open(wndUrl, wndName, 'location=0, toolbar=NO, status=0, width=' + wndWidth + ', height=' + wndHeight + ', menubar=no, scrollbars=NO, resizable=NO'); //windObj = window.showModelessDialog(wndUrl, wndName, 'location=0, toolbar=NO, status=0, width=' + wndWidth + ', height=' + wndHeight + ', menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes'); if (windObj != null || windObj != 'undefined') { top = top + 50; if (top > screen.availHeight - wndHeight) top = 100; left = left + 50; if (left > screen.availWidth - wndWidth) left = 100; windObj.moveTo(left, top); windObj.registerID = wndName; loadedWindows[loadedWindows.length] = windObj; } //setTimeout('doNothing();', 2000); } } catch (ex) { alert('WindowController.popUpWindow: Exception occured When popUpWindow, message: ' + ex.message) } return windObj; } this.doNothing = function () { var wnd = null; return wnd; } this.getWindow = function (winHandle) { var wnd = findWindow(winHandle); return wnd; } this.getWindows = function () { return loadedWindows; } this.closeAllWindows = function () { for (var x = 0; x < loadedWindows.length; x++) { try { loadedWindows[x].close(); } catch (err) { alert('WindowController.closeAllWindows: Exception occured, While Closing: ' + err.message) } } } function findWindow(winHandle) { try { for (var i = 0; i < loadedWindows.length; i++) { if (loadedWindows[i].closed == true) { loadedWindows.splice(i, 1); i--; } else { if (loadedWindows[i].registerID == winHandle) return loadedWindows[i]; } } } catch (err) { alert('WindowController.findWindow: Exception occured, While findWindow: ' + err.message); } return null; } } function WireEvent(elem, target, func) { if (elem.addEventListener) elem.addEventListener(target, func, false); //FF else if (elem.attachEvent) elem.attachEvent(target, func); //IE } function OpenProviderChatWindow(windUrl, SenderUID, ReceiverUid, Chatroomid, UserStatus) { //alert("UserID " + uid + " Chat ID " + chatid); var timestamp = new Date().getTime(); //var windUrl = "" if (window.location.href.search(/Webportal/i) != -1) { //windUrl = "Chat.aspx"; } else if (window.location.href.search(/Appeals/i) != -1) { //windUrl = "Chat.aspx"; } else if (window.location.href.search(/DocumentManagement/i) != -1) { //windUrl = "Chat.aspx"; } else if (window.location.href.search(/IAgreePage/i) != -1) { //windUrl = "WebPortal/Chat.aspx"; windUrl = "WebPortal/" + windUrl; } else { //alert('ss'); //windUrl = "../Chat.aspx"; windUrl = "../" + windUrl; } //alert("UserID " + windUrl); var querystring = "?SenderUserID=" + SenderUID + "&ReceiverUserID=" + ReceiverUid + "&ChatRoomID=" + Chatroomid + "&Status=" + UserStatus; _windowController.popUpWindow(windUrl + querystring, Chatroomid, 355, 530); return false; } function CloseAllChatWindows() { //alert("Close all"); if (_windowController != null) _windowController.closeAllWindows(); // if (_windowActiveUsersController != null) // _windowActiveUsersController.closeAllWindows(); } _windowController = new windowController(); //_windowActiveUsersController = new windowController(); //WireEvent(window, 'onunload', _windowController.closeAllWindows); //WireEvent(window, 'onunload', _windowActiveUsersController.closeAllWindows); /******************* Chatting ENDS *******************************************/ /* Author : Srinivasa Rao Nalam Date : Jul/16/2011 Descr : to override the predefined AlertMessage of Infragestic Spell checker */ function CustomMessage_SpellCheckComplete(oWebSpellChecker, oEvent, uncheckedText, checkedText) { alert("The spelling check is complete."); } //Added by Lakshminarayana on Jul 26 2011 for entering only numeric value in Adminsettings function IsTextChangedAndNumericOnly(objEvent) { var keyCode = ('which' in objEvent) ? ((objEvent.which) ? objEvent.which : objEvent.keyCode) : objEvent.keyCode; if ((keyCode >= 48 && keyCode <= 57) || keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 9) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Start : Added by Krishna Chaitanya on 11-Aug-2011 to validate Password Setting Policy // To check whether the given string contains integers or not function hasInteger(s) { var i; var d = 0; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var c = s.charAt(i); if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) { d = d + 1; } } return d; } // To check whether the given string contains special characters or not function hasSpecialchar(s) { var i; var d = 0; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { var c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '!' || c == '@' || c == '#' || c == '$' || c == '%' || c == '&' || c == '*') { d = d + 1; } } return d; } // To check whether the given string contains lowercase character or not function hasLowerCase(str) { return (/[a-z]/.test(str)); } // To check whether the given string contains uppercase character or not function hasUpperCase(str) { return (/[A-Z]/.test(str)); } // To check whether the given string contains whitespace character or not function hasWhiteSpace(str) { if (str.indexOf(' ') > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } // End : Added by Krishna Chaitanya on 11-Aug-2011 to validate Password Setting Policy function PrintFile(mode) { var _Fname = GetControl("hidlnkbtnText").value; var _ContentType = GetControl("hidContentType").value; var _FileID = GetControl("hidFileHistoryID").value; //12/07/2009 - Saritha Y - PageCaller parameter added var strPageCaller = getPageCaller(); var _location = GetControl("hidFileStoragPath").value; var _PhysFilename = GetControl("fileN").value; if (mode == 'open') { var _FromModule = true; // Added scrollbars = Yes and resizable=yes by Lakshminarayana on Oct 28 2011 to fix TD ID: 4390 var winopen = window.open('PrintPage.aspx?PageCaller=' + strPageCaller + '&fname=' + escape(_Fname) + '&ContentType=' + _ContentType + '&Mode=' + mode + '&FileID=' + _FileID + '&module=' + _FromModule + '&location=' + _location + '&PhysicalFile=' + _PhysFilename, "_blank", 'location=no,toolbar=0,left=330,top=300,height=1,width=1,menubar=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); } else if (mode == 'print') { var _QueryParam = 'PageCaller=' + strPageCaller + '&fname=' + escape(_Fname) + '&ContentType=' + _ContentType + '&Mode=' + mode + '&FileID=' + _FileID + '&location=' + _location + '&PhysicalFile=' + _PhysFilename; var winopen = ShowPrintPage(_QueryParam, ''); //window.showModalDialog(URLPath('PrintPage.aspx?PageCaller=' + strPageCaller + '&fname=' + escape(_Fname) + '&ContentType=' + _ContentType + '&Mode=' + mode + '&FileID=' + _FileID + '&location=' + _location + '&PhysicalFile=' + _PhysFilename, null), 'status:no;dialogWidth:800px;dialogHeight:550px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); } } function getPageCaller() { var strPageCaller = ""; var ObjhidPageCaller = GetControl('hidPageCaller'); if (ObjhidPageCaller) { strPageCaller = ObjhidPageCaller.value; } return strPageCaller; } function SetToEnd(txtMessage) { if (txtMessage.createTextRange) { var fieldRange = txtMessage.createTextRange(); fieldRange.moveStart('character', txtMessage.value.length); fieldRange.collapse(); fieldRange.select(); //alert("settoend"); } } function AllowMultiple(event) { //Added by sanni on Oct 04,2011 for notes var ctrl = event.ctrlKey; var code = event.keyCode; if (event.which || event.keyCode) { if ((event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode == 13)) { event.cancelBubble = true; event.returnValue = true; return false; } } else { return true }; //End // if (ctrl && code == 13) { // event.cancelBubble = true; // event.returnValue = true // var cntrl = GetControl("txtAuthNotes"); //document.getElementById('txtMessage'); // if (GetControl("txtAuthNotes") != null) { // /* var startPos = GetControl("txtAuthNotes").selectionStart; // var endPos = GetControl("txtAuthNotes").selectionEnd; // var myField = cntrl.value.substring(startPos, endPos) // alert("Selectrion " + myField + " Start " + startPos + " End pos "+endPos);*/ // cntrl.value = cntrl.value + "\r"; // SetToEnd(GetControl("txtAuthNotes")); // } // } } function ChangeColor(obj) { var ddlcntrl = $get("ddlColor"); var txtcntrl = $get("txtMessage"); if (ddlcntrl.selectedIndex != -1) { txtcntrl.style.color = ddlcntrl.options[ddlcntrl.selectedIndex].value; } } /* Added by Sanni on Mar 08 2012 for fixing the bug:4873 */ function EncodeQueryString(strVal) { if (strVal.length > 0) { strVal = escape(strVal).replace(/\+/g, '%2b'); } return strVal; } /* Author : Srinivasa Rao Nalam Date : 25/Aug/2011 Desc : Raise Waiting alert Animation */ /* the below Global Variable should not be used anywhere in Project Author : srinivasa Rao nalam */ var GlobalscrollTop; var GlobalscrollLeft; var GloablWindowHeight; var GloablWindowWidth; /*Author : N.Vamsi Rajesh Date : 09/May/2012 Desc : Fixing TD:4383 and Performance Issue*/ function fnSearch(btnName) { //__doPostBack(GetControl(btnName).id.replace(/\_/g, '$'), ''); //__doPostBack(GetControl(btnName).name, ''); updateProgress = $find("UProgressMaster"); window.setTimeout("updateProgress.set_visible(true)", updateProgress.get_displayAfter()); return true; } /*Author: Bhaskar Date: 23/Aug/2012 Desc: Fixing the Menu name is not valid alert message Issue*/ function InfragisticsContexMenu_EligQueue(me, event) { if (me != null) { //($getId('uwMenu') var menu = $IG.WebDataMenu.find("MainContent_uwMenu"); // document.getElementById('MainContent_uwMenu'); menu.showAt(null, null, event); //igmenu_showMenu('ctl00MainContentuwMenu', event); event.returnValue = false; event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } else { return false; } } // AST var oldValue = new Array(); var newValue = ""; var j = 0; var dataSeprator = "#" var fieldSeprator = "~" var keySeprator = ":" var ObjectType = 0; var auditTrail; var Version = navigator.appVersion; var fVersion = Version.substring(Version.indexOf("MSIE"), 25); //window.onload = getCurrentValue; function getCurrentValue() //Capturing all controls ids and values on Load { var getHiddenField = document.getElementById(Header); //alert(getHiddenField.value); } function ieVersion() { if (fVersion == "MSIE 7.0") auditTrail = 435 + 'px'; else if (fVersion == "MSIE 9.0") auditTrail = 455 + 'px'; else auditTrail = 405 + 'px'; } function setTwoDigit(objValue) { if (objValue < 10) return "0" + objValue else return objValue } function getCurrentTime() { var now = new Date(); //Creating Date object; var year = now.getYear(); //Getting year; month = now.getMonth() + 1; //Getting month; day = now.getDate(); //Getting date; var hour = now.getHours(); //Getting hours; var minutes = now.getMinutes(); //Getting minuts; hour = setTwoDigit(hour); minutes = setTwoDigit(minutes); month = setTwoDigit(month); day = setTwoDigit(day); return year + month + day + hour + minutes } var FormName; var PageName; var SaveButtonName; var Header; var RecordId; var strData = ""; function fnVerifyPageUpdates(_Container, _PageName, _SaveButtonName, _header, _recordId) { if (_PageName == 'Eligibility Error Edit') { ValidateClaimDetails(); } if (_PageName == 'Claim Error Edit') { ValidateClaimInfo(); } FormName = _Container; PageName = _PageName; SaveButtonName = _SaveButtonName; Header = _header; RecordId = _recordId; fnPageUpdate(); } function fnPageUpdate() { newValue = IsPageUpdated(FormName); findElement(SaveButtonName); } var selectedValueOfddl; var defaultValueOfddl; function IsPageUpdated(_Container) { var _ContainerElement = document.getElementById(_Container); var nodeList = _ContainerElement.getElementsByTagName("*"); try { for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { var element = nodeList[i]; var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); var type = element.type; if (tagName) if (type != "hidden") { if (type) { if (type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") { if (element.checked != element.defaultChecked) { controlId = element.id.split("_") if (controlId.length == '5') { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultChecked + dataSeprator + element.checked + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '1') { strData = strData + controlId[0] + dataSeprator + element.defaultChecked + dataSeprator + element.checked + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '6') { strData = strData + controlId[5] + controlId[2] + dataSeprator + element.defaultChecked + dataSeprator + element.checked + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '4') { if (controlId[2].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId[3].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } } else if (controlId.length == '2') { strData = strData + controlId[1] + dataSeprator + element.defaultChecked + dataSeprator + element.checked + fieldSeprator; } } } else if (type == "text" || type == "textarea") { if (element.value != element.defaultValue) { controlId = element.id.split("_") if (controlId.length == '5') { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '1') { strData = strData + controlId[0] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '6') { strData = strData + controlId[5] + controlId[2] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '3') { strData = strData + controlId[1] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '4') { if (controlId[2].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId[3].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } } else if (controlId.length == '2') { strData = strData + controlId[1] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } } } else if (type == "file") { if (element.value != element.defaultValue) { controlId = element.id.split("_") if (controlId.length == '5') { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '1') { strData = strData + controlId[0] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '6') { strData = strData + controlId[5] + controlId[2] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '4') { if (controlId[2].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId[3].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } } else if (controlId.length == '2') { strData = strData + controlId[1] + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } } } //Vamsi Rajesh 29/08/2013 added for session timeout frd else if (type == "select-one") { var isElementModified = false; for (var j = 0; j < element.options.length; j++) { if (element.options[j].defaultSelected) { if (element.options[j] != element.options[element.selectedIndex]) { selectedValueOfddl = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text.toUpperCase(); defaultValueOfddl = element.options[j].text.toUpperCase(); controlId = element.id.split("_") if (controlId.length == '5') { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '1') { strData = strData + controlId[0] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '6') { strData = strData + controlId[5] + controlId[2] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '4') { if (controlId[2].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId[3].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } } else if (controlId.length == '2') { strData = strData + controlId[1] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } isElementModified = true; break; } } } if (isElementModified == false) { if (element.selectedIndex > -1) { if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].defaultSelected != true) { selectedValueOfddl = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text.toUpperCase(); defaultValueOfddl = element.options[0].text.toUpperCase(); if (selectedValueOfddl != defaultValueOfddl) { controlId = element.id.split("_") if (controlId.length == '5') { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '1') { strData = strData + controlId[0] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '6') { strData = strData + controlId[5] + controlId[2] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId.length == '4') { if (controlId[2].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[2] + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } else if (controlId[3].indexOf("txt") >= 0) { strData = strData + controlId[3] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } } else if (controlId.length == '2') { strData = strData + controlId[1] + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } } } } } } } } } } catch (ex) { return strData; } return strData; } function IsNumeric(sText) { if (parseFloat(sText)) { return true; } return false; } function findElement(SaveButtonName) //Capturing the button that end user press { var getObj = document.getElementById(SaveButtonName); if (getObj) ObjectType = 0; else ObjectType = 9; var _curTime = getCurrentTime(); var completeStr; var pageTitle = document.getElementById("CategoryDescription"); if (pageTitle != null && pageTitle != "") completeStr = (pageTitle.value + "," + ObjectType + "," + _curTime); else completeStr = (PageName + "," + ObjectType + "," + _curTime); if (ObjectType != "9") { var getid = returnFieldID(); if (getid != null && getid != "") completeStr = completeStr + "," + getid; else newValue = newValue.substring(0, newValue.length - 1); } if (newValue != "") addElement(completeStr, newValue); else { if ((ObjectType == 9)) addElement(completeStr, " "); else addElement(completeStr, ""); } return true; } function returnFieldID() { var recordID; var recidForm = document.getElementById(RecordId); if (recidForm) return recidForm.value; } function addElement(str, newValue) { var getHiddenField = document.getElementById(Header); if (getHiddenField) { getHiddenField.value = str + keySeprator + newValue.substring(0, newValue.length); } str = ""; newValue = ""; oldValue.length = 0; return true; } function removeSpace(argvalue) { var createVal; for (var i = 0; i < argvalue.length; i++) { if (argvalue != " ") createVal = createVal + argvalue; } return createVal; } //added by Sanni on Apr 13,2011 for First Plus --BatchAuthQueue //Author : N S RAO // Date : infragestic popup function DateChooser(ControlID, BatchID, CompID) { //winopen = window.showModalDialog('../DateChooser.aspx?BatchID=' + GetControl(BatchID).value + '&CompanyID=' + GetControl(CompID).value + '&AuthFiles=Auth', null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:150px;dialogHeight:170px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); var url = '../DateChooser.aspx?BatchID=' + GetControl(BatchID).value + '&CompanyID=' + GetControl(CompID).value + '&AuthFiles=Auth'; InfShowModalDialog(url, "Override Date Chooser", "260px", "190px"); return false; } function SucceededCallbackDateTime(winopen) { if (winopen != null) { GetControl('lblOverrideDateReceived').innerText = winopen; } return false; } //N.Vamsi Rajesh Apr 08 2013 for fixing TD:6298 and 6300 Issues function ChangeCheckboxColor(checkboxid) { try { if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") != -1) { checkboxid.childNodes[0].style.backgroundColor = "#F9F9F9"; } } catch (e) { } } function ChangeCheckboxColorRemove(checkboxid) { try { if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 7.") != -1) { checkboxid.childNodes[0].style.backgroundColor = ""; } } catch (e) { } } //N.Vamsi Rajesh Apr 18 2013 for fixing TD:6308 function DisableEnterClickSave(e) { try { if (e.which == 13 || e.keyCode == 13) { document.getElementById(defaultButton).click(); return false; } else { return true; } } catch (e) { } } //START Added by N.Vamsi Rajesh 21/08/2013 for Sessiont Timeout FRD Date.prototype.formatDate = function (format) { var date = this; if (!format) format = "MM/dd/yyyy"; var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var year = date.getFullYear(); format = format.replace("MM", month.toString().padL(2, "0")); if (format.indexOf("yyyy") > -1) format = format.replace("yyyy", year.toString()); else if (format.indexOf("yy") > -1) format = format.replace("yy", year.toString().substr(2, 2)); format = format.replace("dd", date.getDate().toString().padL(2, "0")); var hours = date.getHours(); if (format.indexOf("t") > -1) { if (hours > 11) format = format.replace("t", "pm") else format = format.replace("t", "am") } if (format.indexOf("HH") > -1) format = format.replace("HH", hours.toString().padL(2, "0")); if (format.indexOf("hh") > -1) { if (hours > 12) hours - 12; if (hours == 0) hours = 12; format = format.replace("hh", hours.toString().padL(2, "0")); } if (format.indexOf("mm") > -1) format = format.replace("mm", date.getMinutes().toString().padL(2, "0")); if (format.indexOf("ss") > -1) format = format.replace("ss", date.getSeconds().toString().padL(2, "0")); return format; } String.repeat = function (chr, count) { var str = ""; for (var x = 0; x < count; x++) { str += chr }; return str; } String.prototype.padL = function (width, pad) { if (!width || width < 1) return this; if (!pad) pad = " "; var length = width - this.length if (length < 1) return this.substr(0, width); return (String.repeat(pad, length) + this).substr(0, width); } String.prototype.padR = function (width, pad) { if (!width || width < 1) return this; if (!pad) pad = " "; var length = width - this.length if (length < 1) this.substr(0, width); return (this + String.repeat(pad, length)).substr(0, width); } function supports_html5_storage() { try { return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } } function supports_Cookie_storage() { return navigator.cookieEnabled; } function Get_Cookie(check_name, isCookie) { if (supports_html5_storage() && isCookie != '1') { return localStorage[check_name]; } else { var a_all_cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); var a_temp_cookie = ''; var cookie_name = ''; var cookie_value = ''; var b_cookie_found = false; var i = ''; for (i = 0; i < a_all_cookies.length; i++) { a_temp_cookie = a_all_cookies[i].split('='); cookie_name = a_temp_cookie[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); if (cookie_name == check_name) { b_cookie_found = true; if (a_temp_cookie.length > 1) { cookie_value = unescape(a_temp_cookie[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')); } return decodeURIComponent(cookie_value); break; } a_temp_cookie = null; cookie_name = ''; } if (!b_cookie_found) { return null; } } } function Set_Cookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { if (supports_html5_storage()) { localStorage[name] = value; } else { var today = new Date(); today.setTime(today.getTime()); if (expires) { expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; } var expires_date = new Date(today.getTime() + (expires)); document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(escape(value)) + ((expires) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? ";path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? ";secure" : ""); } } function Delete_Cookie(name, path, domain) { if (supports_html5_storage()) { localStorage[name] = ''; } else { if (Get_Cookie(name)) document.cookie = name + "=" + ((path) ? ";path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "") + ";expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT"; } } function getCurrentLocationPath() { var str = ''; if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('WebPortal/EZNET/'.toLowerCase()) != -1) { str = '../../'; } else if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('WebPortal/Reports/AST'.toLowerCase()) != -1) { str = '../../../'; } else if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('WebPortal/Reports/'.toLowerCase()) != -1) { str = '../../'; } else if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('WebPortal/RawData/'.toLowerCase()) != -1) { str = '../../'; } else if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('WebPortal/EZEDI/'.toLowerCase()) != -1) { str = '../../'; } else if (window.location.href.search(/Webportal/i) != -1) { str = '../'; } else if (window.location.href.search(/Appeals/i) != -1) { str = '../'; } else if (window.location.href.search(/Account/i) != -1) { str = '../'; } else if (window.location.href.search(/DocumentManagement/i) != -1) { str = '../'; } else { str = ''; } return str; } //Alert Message Save, Cancel var _DispalyingYNCFormName = ""; var _DispalyingYNCPageName = ""; var _DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName = ""; var _VerifyDiagCode = ""; var _DiagCodeHdnId = ""; var isPageModified = ""; var _ProcCodeGridID = ""; var _ProcCodesItemsCount = ""; var _ProcCodeModified = ""; var _CurrentEditorContentID = ""; var _CurrentEditorContent = ""; var _PageUpdatedByUpdatePanel = 0; var _isModalWindowSaveAlert = ""; var _ErrorEditScreenValueChangedID = ""; function fnVerifyPageUpdatesAtTimeOfLogoutOrRefresh(DispalyingYNCFormName, DispalyingYNCPageName, DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName, VerifyDiagCode, DiagCodeHdnId, ProcCodeGridID, ProcCodesItemsCount, ProcCodeModified, CurrentEditorContentID, isModalWindowSaveAlert, ErrorEditScreenValueChangedID) { try { _DispalyingYNCFormName = DispalyingYNCFormName; _DispalyingYNCPageName = DispalyingYNCPageName; _DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName = DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName; _VerifyDiagCode = VerifyDiagCode; _DiagCodeHdnId = DiagCodeHdnId; _ProcCodeGridID = ProcCodeGridID; _ProcCodesItemsCount = ProcCodesItemsCount; _ProcCodeModified = ProcCodeModified; _CurrentEditorContentID = CurrentEditorContentID; _isModalWindowSaveAlert = isModalWindowSaveAlert; _ErrorEditScreenValueChangedID = ErrorEditScreenValueChangedID; if (_CurrentEditorContentID != "") { setTimeout("SetDefaultContent();", 1000); } //N.Vamsi Rajesh 29/01/2014 added below code for fixing the Save Alert Message Dialog Issue. setTimeout("SetDefaultValueToDatePickerControls('" + DispalyingYNCFormName + "');", 1000); } catch (ex) { } } function SetDefaultValueToDatePickerControls(_Container) { try { var _ContainerElement = document.getElementById(_Container); var nodeList = _ContainerElement.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { var element = nodeList[i]; var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); var type = element.type; if (tagName) if (type != "hidden") { if (type) { if (element.className == "DatePickFont igte_BlueEditInContainer") { if (element.value != "" && element.defaultValue == "") { element.defaultValue = element.value; } } } } } } catch (e) { } } function SetDefaultContent() { try { if (typeof (iged_getById) === 'function') { var oEditor = iged_getById(_CurrentEditorContentID); if (oEditor != null) { _CurrentEditorContent = oEditor.getText(); } } } catch (ex) { } } function DispalyingAlertMessageAtTheTimeofLogout(isFromLogout) { try { var saveButton = null; if (_DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName.length > 0) { saveButton = document.getElementById(_DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName); } var isAddedDiagCode; isPageModified = ""; if (_DispalyingYNCFormName.length > 1 && saveButton != null) { if (_DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AuthErrorEdit' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'ClaimErrorEdit' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'EligErrorEdit') { var isAuthErrorEditModified = document.getElementById(_ErrorEditScreenValueChangedID); if (isAuthErrorEditModified.value != '') { isPageModified = "true"; } } else if (_VerifyDiagCode != "" && (_DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'CLAIM_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_SUBMISSION')) { isAddedDiagCode = fnVerifyingDiagCode(1); if (isAddedDiagCode == true) { isPageModified = "true"; } } else if (_DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_EDIT' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_EDIT') { isAddedDiagCode = fnVerifyingDiagCode(2); if (isAddedDiagCode == true) { isPageModified = "true"; } } //Provider Profile if (saveButton.isDisabled == true && _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'PROVIDER_PROFILE') { isPageModified = ""; } else if (isPageModified == "") { isPageModified = IsPageUpdatedForSaveMessage(_DispalyingYNCFormName); } //dashboard settings if (isPageModified == "" && _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'DASHBOARD_SETTINGS') { if (_CurrentEditorContentID != "") { if (typeof (iged_getById) === 'function') { var oEditor = iged_getById(_CurrentEditorContentID); if (oEditor != null) { if (_CurrentEditorContent != oEditor.getText()) { isPageModified = true; } } } } } //N.Vamsi Rajesh 28/10/2013 As Per the Ganesh Sir mail removed the feature of save-- commented the below lines //OutboundScheduleConfiguration // if (isPageModified == "" && _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'OUTBOUNDSHEDULE_CONFIGURATION') { // if (_PageUpdatedByUpdatePanel == 1) { // isPageModified = true; // } // } //OUTBOUND_PROCESS // if (isPageModified == "" && _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'OUTBOUND_PROCESS') { // if (_PageUpdatedByUpdatePanel == 1) { // isPageModified = true; // } // } //N.Vamsi Rajesh 24/10/2013 Fixing Defect ID 277 and 461 if (_DispalyingYNCPageName == 'DASHBOARD_SETTINGS') if (GetControl('hdnIsButtonClickEvent').value == 1) { isPageModified = ""; } if (isPageModified != "") { var comp = null; var result = 0; var refrsh = new Date().getTime(); //comp = window.showModalDialog(getCurrentLocationPath() + 'ConfirmMessage.htm?PageModified=1&r=' + refrsh, null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:350px;dialogHeight:120px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); //if (comp != null) { // if (comp) { // result = comp; // } //} //if (result == 1) { // saveButton.click(); // return 'true|1'; //} //else if (result == 2) { // return 'true|2'; //} //else { // return 'false|0'; //} var url = getCurrentLocationPath() + 'ConfirmMessage.htm?PageModified=1&r=' + refrsh; if (isFromLogout != null) { if (isFromLogout) { url = url + '&isLogoutAlert=1'; } } else { if (window.showModalDialog) { comp = window.showModalDialog(getCurrentLocationPath() + 'ConfirmMessage.htm?PageModified=1&r=' + refrsh, null, 'status:no;dialogWidth:350px;dialogHeight:120px;dialogHide:true;help:no;scroll:no'); if (comp != null) { if (comp) { result = comp; } } if (result == 1) { saveButton.click(); return 'true|1'; } else if (result == 2) { return 'true|2'; } else { return 'false|0'; } } else { //Chrome Realeted changes need to do. Cross Browser Issue 49 return 'false|0'; } } InfShowModalDialog(url, "Confirm", "370px", "170px"); return 'false|0'; } } return 'true|-1'; } catch (e) { return 'true|-1'; } } function wdwLogoutConfirmMessageSucceededCallback(comp) { window.isSaveEventFired = 2; if (comp != null) { if (comp) { if (comp == 1) { var saveButton = document.getElementById(_DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName); saveButton.click(); if (window._DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'CLAIM_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_EDIT' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_EDIT') { if (GetControl('hdnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent').value == 1) { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 2, 1, '/', '', false); } else { setTimeout('fnSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent()', 500); } } else { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 2, 1, '/', '', false); } return true; } else if (comp == 2) { CloseAllChatWindows(); var refrsh = new Date().getTime(); parent.location.href = gLogoutResolveUrl + '?isBrowserClose=1&id=' + refrsh; return true; } } } } function wdwConfirmMessageSucceededCallback(comp) { window.isSaveEventFired = 2; if (comp != null) { if (comp) { if (comp == 1) { var saveButton = document.getElementById(_DispalyingYNCSaveButtonName); saveButton.click(); return true; } else if (comp == 2) { return true; } } } } function fnVerifyingDiagCode(pageType) { try { var rowCount; var tableDiagCodes; if (pageType == 1) {//Submissions tableDiagCodes = document.getElementById(_VerifyDiagCode); rowCount = tableDiagCodes.rows.length; if (rowCount > 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (pageType == 2) {//edit var _DiagCodeHdnIdArray = document.getElementById(_DiagCodeHdnId).value.split("|"); tableDiagCodes = document.getElementById(_VerifyDiagCode); rowCount = tableDiagCodes.rows.length; if (_DiagCodeHdnIdArray.length != rowCount) { return true; } else { var diagRows = tableDiagCodes.getElementsByTagName("tr"); var isExist = false; for (var i = 1; i < rowCount; i++) { var diagCells = trims(diagRows(i).getElementsByTagName("td")(2).outerText); isExist = false; for (var j = 0; j < _DiagCodeHdnIdArray.length; j++) { if (_DiagCodeHdnIdArray[j] != "") { if (_DiagCodeHdnIdArray[j] == diagCells) { isExist = true; } } } if (isExist == false) { return true; } } //Procedure Code var tableProcCodes = document.getElementById(_ProcCodeGridID); var rowProcCount = tableProcCodes.rows.length - 1; if (rowProcCount != _ProcCodesItemsCount) { return true; } var isProcCodeModified = document.getElementById(_ProcCodeModified); if (isProcCodeModified.value == "1") { return true; } return false; } } } catch (e) { } } function IsPageUpdatedForSaveMessage(_Container) { var _ContainerElement = document.getElementById(_Container); var nodeList = _ContainerElement.getElementsByTagName("*"); strData = ""; try { for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { if (strData != "") { return strData; } var element = nodeList[i]; var tagName = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); var type = element.type; if (tagName) if (type != "hidden") { if (type) { controlId = element.id; if (type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") { if (element.checked != element.defaultChecked) { strData = strData + controlId + dataSeprator + element.defaultChecked + dataSeprator + element.checked + fieldSeprator; } } else if (type == "text" || type == "textarea") { if (element.value != element.defaultValue) { strData = strData + controlId + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue.toUpperCase() + dataSeprator + element.value.toUpperCase() + fieldSeprator; } } else if (type == "file") { if (element.value != element.defaultValue) { strData = strData + controlId + dataSeprator + element.defaultValue + dataSeprator + element.value + fieldSeprator; } } else if (type == "select-one") { var isElementModified = false; var selectedValueOfddl = ""; var defaultValueOfddl = ""; for (var j = 0; j < element.options.length; j++) { if (element.options[j].defaultSelected) { if (element.options[j] != element.options[element.selectedIndex]) { selectedValueOfddl = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text.toUpperCase(); defaultValueOfddl = element.options[j].text.toUpperCase(); strData = strData + controlId + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; isElementModified = true; break; } } } selectedValueOfddl = ""; defaultValueOfddl = ""; if (isElementModified == false) { if (element.selectedIndex > -1) { if (element.options[element.selectedIndex].defaultSelected != true) { selectedValueOfddl = element.options[element.selectedIndex].text.toUpperCase(); defaultValueOfddl = element.options[0].text.toUpperCase(); if (selectedValueOfddl != defaultValueOfddl) { strData = strData + controlId + dataSeprator + defaultValueOfddl + dataSeprator + selectedValueOfddl + fieldSeprator; } } } } } } } } } catch (ex) { return strData; } return strData; } //N.Vamsi Rajesh Fixing Defect ID 322 [Nothing is displayed in Duplicate in Claims] function fnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent() { try { GetControl('hdnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent').value = 1; } catch (e) { } } function fnSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent() { try { if (GetControl('hdnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent').value == 1) { Set_Cookie(dPath + 'cIsLogout', 2, 1, '/', '', false); } else { setTimeout('fnSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent()', 500); } } catch (e) { } } //N.Vamsi Rajesh 24/10/2013 Fixing Defect ID 277 and 461 function fnIsButtonClickEvent() { try { GetControl('hdnIsButtonClickEvent').value = 1; return true; } catch (e) { } } // END Added by N.Vamsi Rajesh 21/08/2013 for Sessiont Timeout FRD function validateDate(dtControl) { //var input = GetControl(dtControl) var validformat = /^\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}$/; //Basic check for format validity var returnval = false; var day = dtControl.replace("_", ""); var dates = day.replace("_", ""); if (!validformat.test(dates)) //alert('Invalid Date Format. Please correct.') return false; else { //Detailed check for valid date ranges var dayfield = dates.split("/")[1]; var monthfield = dates.split("/")[0]; var yearfield = dates.split("/")[2]; var dayobj = new Date(yearfield, monthfield - 1, dayfield); if ((dayobj.getMonth() + 1 != monthfield) || (dayobj.getDate() != dayfield) || (dayobj.getFullYear() != yearfield)) //alert('Invalid Day, Month, or Year range detected. Please correct.') return false; else {returnval = true} } //if (returnval == false) input.focus() return returnval; } function DateValidate(sender) { if (sender != null) { var result = validateDate(sender._text); if (!result) { sender.set_value(""); } return result; } return false; } /* Author : N S RAO Date : 22 Apr 2014 Descr : Placed common Code for WebDataGrid Searches Row Init and Disapear of WebDataGrid when Javascript alert */ function commonWebDataGrid_InitializeHandler(sender, evernArgs) { try { if (sender.get_rows().get_row(0) != null) { setTimeout("InitializeWebDataGrid('" + sender._id + "')", 50); } if (GetControl("hidAlertMessage").value != "") setTimeout(GetControl("hidAlertMessage").value, 100); } catch (e) { } } function InitializeWebDataGrid(gridName) { try { var sender = $find(gridName); sender.get_element().focus(); var activation = sender.get_behaviors().get_activation(); activation.set_activeCell(sender.get_rows().get_row(0).get_cell(0)); sender.get_behaviors().get_selection().get_selectedRows().add(sender.get_rows().get_row(0)); sender.get_rows().get_row(0).get_cell(0).get_element().focus(); } catch (e) { } } /* //Author N S RAO //descr CrossBrowser ShowModelDialog references //date: Jul 08 2014 */ //Author N S RAO //descr return object for given window object //date: Jul 08 2014 function clientSize(win) { var width, height; if (win.innerWidth || win.innerHeight) { width = win.innerWidth; height = win.innerHeight; } else { var doc = win.document; width = doc.documentElement.clientWidth || doc.body.clientWidth; height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight || doc.body.clientHeight; } return { width: width, height: height } } //Author N S RAO //descr return object for given str object //date: Jul 08 2014 function GetSizeStr(options) { try { var DialogW, DialogH; var _optionstr; var _clip; _optionstr = options.split(";"); for (i = 0; i < _optionstr.length; i++) { //alert(_optionstr[i]); if (_optionstr[i].toString().toUpperCase().search("DIALOGWIDTH") != -1) { DialogW = _optionstr[i].toUpperCase().replace("DIALOGWIDTH:", ""); } if (_optionstr[i].toString().toUpperCase().search("DIALOGHEIGHT") != -1) { DialogH = _optionstr[i].toUpperCase().replace("DIALOGHEIGHT:", ""); } } //alert("Source D " + DialogW + " === " + DialogH); DialogW = DialogW.toUpperCase().replace("dialogWidth:", ""); DialogH = DialogH.toUpperCase().replace("dialogHeight:", ""); DialogW = DialogW.toUpperCase().replace("PX", ""); DialogH = DialogH.toUpperCase().replace("PX", ""); return { DialogWidth: DialogW, DialogHeight: DialogH }; } catch (ex) { alert("eeee" + ex); } } //var is_FF = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox'); //var is_safari = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari/') > -1; //window.showModalDialogCB = window.showModalDialog; //crossbrowser ShowModalDialog //window.showModalDialog = function (sURL, vArguments, sFeatures) { // do something additional // try { // var WinReturnValues; // var _objsfeatures // var w = 415; // var h = 340; // if (sFeatures != null && sFeatures.length > 0) { // _objsfeatures = GetSizeStr(sFeatures); // w = (_objsfeatures.DialogWidth); // h = (_objsfeatures.DialogHeight); // w = w.toUpperCase().replace("DIALOGWIDTH:", ""); // h = h.toUpperCase().replace("DIALOGHEIGHT:", ""); // w = w.toUpperCase().replace("dialogWidth:", ""); // h = h.toUpperCase().replace("dialogHeight:", ""); // alert("W " + w + "===== h " + h); // } // var isSafari = Object.prototype.toString.call(window.HTMLElement).indexOf('Constructor') > 0; // if (isSafari) { // sURL = qualifyURL(sURL); // if (sURL.indexOf("?") == -1) // sURL = sURL + "?isPageIsShowModal=1"; // else // sURL = sURL + "&isPageIsShowModal=1"; // } // var openerSize; // var LeftPosition; // var TopPosition; // var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; // var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); // if (is_FF == -1) //if IE // { // sFeatures = sFeatures; // } // else { //other browsers // if (window.opener == null) { // openerSize = clientSize(window); // alert("opener=null") // } // else { // openerSize = clientSize(window.opener); // } // LeftPosition = (openerSize.width) ? (openerSize.width - w) / 2 : 100; // TopPosition = (openerSize.height) ? (openerSize.height - h) / 2 : 100; // sFeatures = sFeatures + ';dialogLeft:' + LeftPosition + 'px;dialogTop:' + TopPosition + 'px;' // } // WinReturnValues = window.showModalDialogCB(sURL, vArguments, sFeatures); // return WinReturnValues; // } catch (ex) { alert(ex); } //} /* Set and Get overriding of Innertext */ var isIE = (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0); if (!isIE) { HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("innerText", function () { return (this.textContent); }); HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("innerText", function (txt) { this.textContent = txt; }); } //Description : In safari Browser Keying twice function getUrlVars() { var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars.push(hash[0]); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } return vars; } //Description : Abslute Path Verifier for nested showmodeldialog from different folder paths function escapeHTML(s) { return s.split('&').join('&').split('<').join('<').split('"').join('"'); } function qualifyURL(url) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = 'x'; return el.firstChild.href; } function EscapeCloseDialog(dLookupNumber) { SetAccesskeys(); var dialog = window.parent.$find("wdwLookupWindow" + dLookupNumber); dialog.get_contentPane().set_contentUrl(""); dialog.hide(); GetFocusFromWDW(); } function closeDialog() { var dLookupNumber = getUrlVars()["isWDW"]; if (dLookupNumber != null) { SetAccesskeys(); var dialog = window.parent.$find("wdwLookupWindow" + dLookupNumber); dialog.get_contentPane().set_contentUrl(""); dialog.hide(); GetFocusFromWDW(); } } var cActiveElement; function InfShowModalDialog(dURL, dTitle, dWidth, dHeight) { try { RemoveAccesskeys(); setActiveElement(); var dLookupNumber = getUrlVars()["isWDW"]; if (dLookupNumber != null) { dLookupNumber = Number(dLookupNumber) + 1; } else { dLookupNumber = 1; } if (dURL.indexOf("ConfirmMessage.htm") == -1) { if (dURL.indexOf(".aspx?") == -1) { dURL = dURL + '?isWDW=' + dLookupNumber + '&tParameter=0'; } else { dURL = dURL + '&isWDW=' + dLookupNumber + '&tParameter=0'; } } else { if (dURL.indexOf(".htm?") == -1) { dLookupNumber = 5; dURL = dURL + '?isWDW=' + dLookupNumber + '&tParameter=0'; } else { dLookupNumber = 5; dURL = dURL + '&isWDW=' + dLookupNumber + '&tParameter=0'; } } dURL = qualifyURL(dURL); var dialog; dialog = window.parent.$find("wdwLookupWindow" + dLookupNumber) dialog._element.style.width = dWidth; dialog._element.style.height = dHeight; if (dialog._element.style.top == "") { dialog._element.style.top = "0px"; } if (dialog._element.style.top >= "1350px") { dialog._element.style.top = "82px"; } if (fVersion == "MSIE 10.") { if (dLookupNumber != 1) { window.parent.document.getElementsByClassName("igdw_ModalBackground")[0].style.zIndex = 9999; window.parent.$find("wdwLookupWindow" + (dLookupNumber - 1))._element.style.zIndex = 9998; } } if (dTitle.toUpperCase() == "CLAIM ERROR EDIT" || dTitle.toUpperCase() == "ELIGIBILITY ERROR EDIT" || dTitle.toUpperCase() == "AUTHORIZATION ERROR EDIT") { //dialog.set_moveable(false); //dialog.set_maintainLocationOnScroll(false) } dialog.get_contentPane().set_contentUrl(dURL); dialog.show(); dialog._header.setCaptionText(dTitle); //var iframeArray = window.parent.document.getElementsByClassName("igdw_BLUEDialogModalBackground"); //if (iframeArray.length > 0) { // var divModalBackground = iframeArray[0]; // divModalBackground.onkeydown = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }; // divModalBackground.onclick = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }; //} } catch (e) { } } function imgCaptureRtn(winreturn) { if (winreturn != null && winreturn.length > 0) { if (winreturn[0] == 1) { ImgDocId.src = '../../Images/Document_Image.gif'; if (GetControl('hdnDocImg')) { GetControl('hdnDocImg').value = '../../Images/Document_Image.gif'; } } else if (winreturn[0] == 0) { ImgDocId.src = '../../Images/Document.gif'; if (GetControl('hdnDocImg')) { GetControl('hdnDocImg').value = '../../Images/Document.gif'; } } } //End } function wdwLookupWindow_windowStateChanged(sender, args) { try { var state = sender.get_windowState(); if (sender.get_windowState() == 3) { SetAccesskeys(); sender.get_contentPane().set_contentUrl(""); sender.hide(); GetFocusFromWDW(); if (sender._header.getCaptionText() == 'Claim Error Edit') { GetControl("btnrefresh").click(); } } } catch (e) { } } function wdwLookupWindow_WindowStateChanging(sender, args) { try { var currentURL = sender.get_contentPane().get_contentUrl(); if (currentURL.indexOf('AddNotesPopUp.aspx') != -1 && currentURL.indexOf('ScrMode=View') == -1) { args._cancel = true; var iframe = sender.get_contentPane().get_iframe(); iframe.contentWindow.TestValChanged(); } } catch (e) { } } function GetParentWindow() { var isWDW = getUrlVars()["isWDW"]; var iFrameObject; if (isWDW != null) { if (isWDW == 1) { return window.parent; } else { if (window.location.href.indexOf("ConfirmMessage.htm") != -1) { if (isWDW == 5) { return window.parent; } } var iFrameArrays = window.parent.document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); var iFrameObject; for (i = 0; i < iFrameArrays.length; i++) { if (iFrameArrays[i].src.indexOf('isWDW=' + (isWDW - 1)) != -1) { iFrameObject = iFrameArrays[i]; return iFrameObject.contentWindow; } } } } return window; } var focusControlOnCommon; function SetFocusFromWDW(focusControl) { var parentWindow = GetParentWindow(); parentWindow.focusControlOnCommon = focusControl; } function GetFocusFromWDW() { try { var parentWindow = GetParentWindow(); if (parentWindow.cActiveElement != null) { if (typeof parentWindow.cActiveElement.focus === 'function') if (parentWindow.cActiveElement.tagName != 'IFRAME') { parentWindow.cActiveElement.focus(); } } else if (parentWindow.focusControlOnCommon) { parentWindow.focusControlOnCommon.focus(); } } catch (e) { } } function RemoveAccesskeys() { try { var labelArray = document.getElementsByTagName("label"); for (i = 0; i < labelArray.length; i++) { var label = labelArray[i]; if (label.accessKey.length > 0) { label.setAttribute("TAccesskey", label.accessKey); label.removeAttribute("accesskey"); } } var buttonArray = document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (i = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++) { var button = buttonArray[i]; if (button.accessKey.length > 0) { button.setAttribute("TAccesskey", button.accessKey); button.removeAttribute("accesskey"); } } } catch (e) { } } function SetAccesskeys() { try { var parentWindow = GetParentWindow(); var labelArray = parentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("label"); for (i = 0; i < labelArray.length; i++) { var label = labelArray[i]; if (label.hasAttribute("TAccesskey")) { label.setAttribute("accesskey", label.getAttribute("TAccesskey")); label.removeAttribute("TAccesskey"); } } var buttonArray = parentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("button"); for (i = 0; i < buttonArray.length; i++) { var button = buttonArray[i]; if (button.hasAttribute("TAccesskey")) { button.setAttribute("accesskey", button.getAttribute("TAccesskey")); button.removeAttribute("TAccesskey"); } } } catch (e) { } } var gLogoutResolveUrl; function wdwLogoutAlertMessageSucceededCallback(comp, LogoutResolveUrl) { gLogoutResolveUrl = LogoutResolveUrl; if (comp != null) { if (comp) { //N.Vamsi Rajesh 23/10/2013 Fixing Defect ID 322 [Nothing is displayed in Duplicate in Claims] if (window._DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'CLAIM_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_SUBMISSION' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'AUTH_EDIT' || _DispalyingYNCPageName == 'REFERRAL_EDIT') { GetControl('hdnAfterSaveNeedToCallLogoutEvent').value = 0; } //N.Vamsi Rajesh 29/08/2013 Session Timeout - Save Alert Message var strIsLogoutEventNeedsToFire = DispalyingAlertMessageAtTheTimeofLogout(true); var isLogoutEventNeedsToFireArray = strIsLogoutEventNeedsToFire.split("|"); if (isLogoutEventNeedsToFireArray[0] == 'false') { return false; } else { window.isSaveEventFired = 2; CloseAllChatWindows(); parent.location.href = LogoutResolveUrl; } } else { window.isSaveEventFired = 0; return false; } } } // pavan narina added the function regarding BT-73 function wdwSuccessCallBackAuthLookupDialog(winopen) { if (winopen != null) { checkSession(winopen); if (winopen != "") { var ReturnStr = winopen.split('|'); GetControl('txtAuthorization').value = ReturnStr[0]; } return false; } else { return false; } } ///Author: N S RAO //Descr : Commoncodes.aspx page.title function getPageTitleforCommonCodes(CategoryType) { var _from = getUrlVars()["From"]; var pageTitle = ""; if (typeof _from !== "undefined" && _from == "ProviderDS") pageTitle = "Specialty Code List"; else if (typeof _from !== "undefined" && _from == "CSMSUBTYPES") pageTitle = "Case Type Search"; else pageTitle = ""; if (pageTitle == "") //! (_from=="ProviderDS" || _from == "CSMSUBTYPES") { switch (CategoryType) { case "MARITALCODES": pageTitle = "Marital Status Codes"; break; case "MEMBRELATIONS": pageTitle = "Member Relation Codes"; break; case "LANGUAGE": pageTitle = "Language Codes"; break; case "ETHNICITY": pageTitle = "Ethnicity Codes"; break; case "STATECODES": pageTitle = "State Codes"; break; case "COUNTYCODES": pageTitle = "County Codes"; break; case "MEMBCONDITIONCODES": pageTitle = "Member Condition Codes"; break; case "CONDCODES": pageTitle = "Condition Codes"; break; case "PROVMAINT": pageTitle = "Provider Maintenance Codes"; break; case "MEMBRESPTYPES": pageTitle = "Member Responsible Codes"; break; case "MEMBRESPSUBTYPES": pageTitle = "Member Responsible Sub Codes"; break; case "PROVCONTR": pageTitle = "Contract Type Codes"; break; case "MEMBSTATUS": pageTitle = "Member Status Codes"; break; case "HPMAINT": pageTitle = "Healthplan Maintenance Codes"; break; case "MEMBIDTYPES": pageTitle = "MemberID Type Codes"; break; case "PROVINSTYPES": case "MEMBADDINSURES": pageTitle = "Insurance Type Codes"; break; case "OUTCOME": pageTitle = "Outcome Codes"; break; case "CARDREASONS": pageTitle = "Outside ID Codes"; break; case "MODIFSET": case "MODIF": pageTitle = "Modifier Codes"; break; case "CLAIMADMITTYPES": pageTitle = "Admit Type Codes"; break; case "ADMSOURCE": pageTitle = "Admit Source Codes"; break; case "NURSEHMCODES": pageTitle = "Nursing Home Codes"; break; case "MEMBADDINSURES": pageTitle = "Insurance Type Codes"; break; case "AUTHREQUESTCATG": pageTitle = "Request Category Codes"; break; case "AUTHPRIORITYSTATUS": pageTitle = "Auth Priority Status Codes"; break; case "POA": pageTitle = "POA Indicator Values"; break; case "CLAIMADMITTYPES": pageTitle = "Admission Type Codes List"; break; case "ADMSOURCE": pageTitle = "Admission Source Codes List"; break; case "CSMSUBTYPES": pageTitle = "Customer Incident Sub Types"; break; case "NCCODES": pageTitle = "NDC Codes"; break; case "PROVTAXONOMY": pageTitle = "Taxonomy Codes List"; break; case "PROVIDTYPES": pageTitle = "Rendering Provider Qual Code List"; break; case "AMBTRANS": pageTitle = "Ambulance Transport Codes List"; break; case "AMBTRANSREASONS": pageTitle = "Ambulance Transport Reason Codes List"; break; case "PROVTAXONOMY": pageTitle = "Taxonomy Codes List"; break; case "CITIZEN": pageTitle = "Citizen Code List"; break; case "EMPLOYMENTSTATUS": pageTitle = "Employment Status Code List"; break; case "PROVSERVICEAREA": pageTitle = "Service Area List"; break; case "BENEFITTYPE": pageTitle = "Benefit Type List"; break; case "PROVADDTYPES": pageTitle = "Address Type List"; break; case "COUNTRYCODES": pageTitle = "Country Codes"; break; case "MEMBCONTYPES": pageTitle = "Contract Type Codes"; break; case "BENSTATUS": pageTitle = "Benefit Status Codes List"; break; case "CERTTYPECODES": pageTitle = "Certification Type Codes"; break; case "SVCTYPECODES": pageTitle = "Service Type Codes"; break; //20150416 S //----Master Record---- case "CLAIMADMITTYPES": pageTitle = "Admission Type Codes"; break; case "ADMSOURCE": pageTitle = "Admission Source Codes"; break; case "OUTCOME": pageTitle = "Patient Status Codes"; break; //----Review---- case "CLAIMCODES": pageTitle = "Release Information Codes"; break; case "CLAIMCODES": pageTitle = "Delay Codes"; break; case "HEALTHCONDCODES": pageTitle = "Health Condition Codes"; break; case "PROGNOSIS": pageTitle = "Prognosis Codes"; break; //----Health Care Service Delivery---- case "HHQTYCODES": pageTitle = "Quantity Codes"; break; case "HHFREQ": pageTitle = "Unit Codes"; break; case "HHDURAUNITS": pageTitle = "Time Period Codes"; break; case "HHCALENDAR": pageTitle = "Calendar Codes"; break; case "HHTIME": pageTitle = "Time Codes"; break; //----Home Oxygen Therapy Information ---- case "OXYEQPTYPES": pageTitle = "Oxygen Equipment Codes"; break; case "OXYEQPTYPES": pageTitle = "Oxygen Equipment Codes"; break; case "OXYEQPTYPES": pageTitle = "Oxygen Equipment Codes"; break; case "OXYTESTCODES": pageTitle = "Oxygen Test Condition Codes"; break; case "OXYDLVRYCODES": pageTitle = "Oxygen Delivery Codes"; break; //----Spinal Service Information ---- case "SPINALSUBLUX": pageTitle = "Subluxation Level Codes"; break; case "SPINALSUBLUX": pageTitle = "Subluxation Level Codes"; break; case "HHFREQ": pageTitle = "Measurement Unit Codes"; break; case "SPINALPATCOND": pageTitle = "Patient Condition Codes"; break; //----Patient Condition Information---- case "AUTHCATETYPES": pageTitle = "Category Type Codes"; break; case "AUTHCONDCODES": pageTitle = "Condition Codes"; break; case "AUTHCONDCODES": pageTitle = "Condition Codes"; break; case "AUTHCONDCODES": pageTitle = "Condition Codes"; break; case "AUTHCONDCODES": pageTitle = "Condition Codes"; break; case "AUTHCONDCODES": pageTitle = "Condition Codes"; break; //----Home Health Care Information---- case "PROGNOSIS": pageTitle = "Prognosis Codes"; break; case "HHDSCH": pageTitle = "Discharge Facility Codes"; break; //20150416 E //----834 Changes FRD ---- case "INCOMEFREQENCYCODE": pageTitle = "Member Income Frequency Code"; break; case "HEALTHRELATEDCODE": pageTitle = "Health Related Codes"; break; case "EMPLOYMENTCLASSCODE": pageTitle = "Employment Class Codes"; break; case "COBRACODE": pageTitle = "Cobra Codes"; break; case "MEDICAREPLANCODE": pageTitle = "Medicare Plan Codes"; break; case "MEDICAREELGIBILITYREASONCODE": pageTitle = "Medicare Eligibility Reason Codes"; break; case "MEMBREFIDQUALIFIER": pageTitle = "Member Reference Id Qualifier"; break; case "DATETIMEQUALIFIER": pageTitle = "Date/Time Qualifier"; break; case "REFERENCEIDENTIFICATIONQUALIFIER": pageTitle = "Reference Identification Qualifier"; break; case "IDCARDIDENTIFICATIONTYPE": pageTitle = "ID Card Identification Type"; break; case "STUDENTSTATUSCODE": pageTitle = "Student Status Codes"; break; case "PRODUCTSERVICEIDQUALCODE": pageTitle = "Product Service Id Qual Codes"; break; case "DATETIMEQUALIFIERCODE": pageTitle = "Datetime Qualifier Codes"; break; case "ACTIONCODE": pageTitle = "Action Codes"; break; case "DISABILITYTYPECODE": pageTitle = "Disability Type Codes"; break; case "AMOUNTQUALIFIERCODES": pageTitle = "Amount Qualifier Codes"; break; case "REPORTTYPECODE": pageTitle = "Report Type Codes"; break; case "POLICYREFIDQUALIFIER": pageTitle = "Reference Identification Qualifier List"; break; case "COVERAGELEVELCODE": pageTitle = "Coverage Level Code List"; break; } } return pageTitle; } function wdwNotesDialogSucceededCallback(winreturn) { var controlId = document.getElementById(cntrlId); if (winreturn != null && winreturn.length > 0 && winreturn[0] == 1) { controlId.value = winreturn[1]; //alert(winreturn[1] + " " + winreturn[0]) } } function setActiveElement() { try { if (document.activeElement) if (document.activeElement.name.indexOf("wdwLookupWindow") != 0) { cActiveElement = document.activeElement; } } catch (e) { } } function DisableButton(obj) { try { var ValidationSummary1 = document.all ? document.all["ValidationSummary1"] : document.getElementById("ValidationSummary1"); Page_InvalidControlToBeFocused = null; if (typeof (Page_Validators) == "undefined") { return true; 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if (_DisplayPage.length > 0) objWinHelpOpen = window.open(_EZCAPURL + _DisplayPage, "", _EZCAPHelpSettings); else objWinHelpOpen = window.open(_EZCAPURL + 'help.htm', "", _EZCAPHelpSettings); objWinHelpOpen.moveTo(0, 0); } else { objWinHelpOpen.focus(); objWinHelpOpen.moveTo(0, 0); } } function resetIt() { // Calculate Time var timerID = null; var timerRunning = false; if (timerRunning) clearTimeout(timerID); timerRunning = false; // getTime var timeNow = new Date(); var hours = timeNow.getHours(); var minutes = timeNow.getMinutes(); var seconds = timeNow.getSeconds(); var timeValue = "" + ((hours > 12) ? hours - 12 : hours); timeValue = ((timeValue < 10) ? "0" : "") + timeValue; timeValue += ((minutes < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + minutes; timeValue += ((seconds < 10) ? ":0" : ":") + seconds; timeValue += (hours >= 12) ? " PM" : " AM"; timerID = setTimeout("resetIt()", 100); timerRunning = true; // getDate var dateNow = new Date(); var days = new Array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'); var months = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); var date = ((dateNow.getDate() < 10) ? "0" : "") + dateNow.getDate(); function y2k(number) { return (number < 1000) ? number + 1900 : number; } // compileIt var today = days[dateNow.getDay()] + ", " + months[dateNow.getMonth()] + " " + date + ", " + (y2k(dateNow.getYear()) + " " + timeValue); if (document.all || document.getElementById) { // Browser Check if (document.getElementById("DateDisplay") != null) { document.getElementById("DateDisplay").value = today.toString(); } } else { if (document.getElementById("DateDisplay") != null) { document.getElementById("DateDisplay").value = today.toString(); } // Default to status. } } function msieversion() { try { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); var version = 1; if (msie > 0) { // If Internet Explorer, return version number version = parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf(".", msie))); if (version < 8) { if (ua.indexOf("Trident") > 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else // If another browser, return 0 return 1; } return 1; } catch (e) { return 1; } } //Added by Sanni for QAC:6087 function Pringfn() { var trID = document.getElementById('tblLogMenu'); if (trID != null && trID != undefined) { trID.style.visibility = "hidden"; window.print(); } trID.style.visibility = "visible"; return false; } ////Commented for routing claims issue. //function wdwAlertMessagesSucceededCallback(winopen) { // var agree = winopen; // if (agree == 0) { // var isWDW = getUrlVars()["isWDW"]; // if (isWDW != null) { // closeDialog(); // return false; // } // window.close(); // return true; // } // else if (agree == 1) { // var subject; // subject = trim(document.getElementById('txtsubject').value); // if (subject == '' || subject == ' ') { // alert('Enter Subject') // } // else { // document.getElementById('btnAdd').click(); // window.setTimeout('OpenSaveMethod()', 250); // return false; // } // } // return true; //}